JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 敵役
Reading かたきやく ; てきやく
Translation eng role of the villain ; the bad guy Translation ger Schurkenrolle ; Rolle des Gegners ; Bad Guy

JMdict 100319
Reading やく
Translation eng use ; service ; role ; post ; position ; scoring combination (e.g. in mahjong , card games , etc .) ; hand Translation ger Dienst ; Position ; Amt ; Rolle ; Führer ; Aufgabe ; Bühnenrolle ; Wirkung ; Nutzen ; Hand Translation fre fonction ; rôle ; usage

JMdict 100319
Word 役割 ; 役割り
Reading やくわり
Translation eng part ; assigning ( allotment of ) parts ; role ; duties Translation ger Rolle Translation fre rôle Translation rus роль

JMdict 100319
Word 役柄
Reading やくがら
Translation eng role Translation ger Rolle ; Position ; Pflicht ; Verantwortung

JMdict 100319
Word 役目
Reading やくめ
Translation eng duty ; business ; role Translation ger Aufgabe ; Rolle ; Funktion ; Pflicht ; Amtspflicht Translation fre fonction

JMdict 100319
Word 脇役 ; 傍役
Reading わきやく
Translation eng supporting role ( actor ) ; minor role Translation ger {Film , Theat .} Nebenrolle ; Schauspieler in einer Nebenrolle Translation fre rôle secondaire ; second rôle

JMdict 100319
Word 役回り
Reading やくまわり
Translation eng role ; part ; ( unpleasant ) duty Translation ger Rolle

JMdict 100319
Word 役儀
Reading やくぎ
Translation eng role ; duty ; responsibility Translation ger Aufgabe ; Rolle ; Funktion

JMdict 100319
Reading ロールモデル
Translation eng role model

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word お手本
Reading おてほん
Translation eng example ; role model
Crossref 手本

JMdict 100319
Word 役割理論
Reading やくわりりろん
Translation eng role theory

CEDict 100318
Traditional 任務 Simplified 任务
Pinyin ren4 wu5
English mission ; assignment ; task ; duty ; role

CEDict 100318
Traditional 職能 Simplified 职能
Pinyin zhi2 neng2
English function ; role

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin jue2
English role

CEDict 100318
Traditional 腳色 Simplified 脚色
Pinyin jue2 se4
English background ( one's origin ) ; role ( esp in Chinese opera )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 花旦 Simplified 花旦
Pinyin hua1 dan4
English role of vivacious young female in Chinese opera

CEDict 100318
Traditional 行當 Simplified 行当
Pinyin hang2 dang5
English profession ; role ( acting )

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin jue2
English role ( theater ) ; to compete ; ancient three legged wine vessel ; third note of pentatonic scale

CEDict 100318
Traditional 角色 Simplified 角色
Pinyin jue2 se4
English role

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin yi4 Reading On ヤク ; エキ Nanori ちゃく Reading Korean yeog Reading Korean
Meaning duty ; war ; campaign ; drafted labor ; office ; service ; role Meaning fr rôle ; fonctions ; guerre ; campagne ; corvée ; poste ; service Meaning es oficio ; deber ; servicio ; papel ; ( guerra ) Meaning pt dever ; guerra ; campanha ; esboço ; escritório ; serviço ; papel

JMdict 200217
Word 一役
Reading ひとやく
Translation spa una parte del rol
Translation eng role ( which someone or something plays in a given situation ) ; part ; contribution ( to a given situation ) Translation ger Rolle ; Aufgabe ( die man übernimmt ) ; Rollentyp ; Aufgabentyp ( wie shite , waki , fue , ko・tsuzume etc .) Translation rus ( прям . и перен .) роль ; ( перен .) назначение

JMdict 200217
Word 一翼
Reading いちよく
Translation dut een vleugel ; rol Translation hun választék Translation spa una parte Translation swe del
Translation eng one wing ; role ; part Translation ger ein Flügel ; eine Rolle Translation rus 1) {одно} крыло ; 2) ( перен .) крыло , часть ; ( обр .) составлять часть ( какой-л . организации , какого-л . движения ) {~となる}

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Reading やく
Translation dut plicht ; taak ; functie ; rol ; opdracht ; verantwoordelijkheid ; pakkie-an ; ( openbare ) betrekking ; ( regerings ) ambt ; staatsbetrekking ; post ; positie {bij het Rijk} ; officie ; officium ; zijn} hoedanigheid {in {van} ; portefeuille ; baan ; job ; dienst ; toneelrol ; rol ; vroondienst ; corvee ; herendienst ; hand- en spandienst ; cijns ; schatting ; tiend ; belasting ; recht ; kaartspel {m .b.t. ; mahjong} roemer ; roem in het kaartspel of bij mahjong ; roemkaarten of -schijven ; menstruatie ; maandbloeding ; ongesteldheid ; menses ; maandstonden ; voor taken {maatwoord ; functies ; ( toneel ) rollen} Translation hun alkalmazás ; hasznosság ; haszon ; szokás ; ellátás ; karbantartás ; készlet ; feladat ; kötelesség ; szerep ; elhelyezkedés ; fekvés ; helyzet Translation spa uso ; servicio ; rol ; posición Translation swe roll ; position
Translation eng role ; assignment ; responsibility ; duty ; function ; job ; service ; position ( of responsibility ) ; post ; office ; part ( in a play , film , etc .) ; role ; character ; scoring combination ( in mahjong , card games , etc .) ; meld ; hand ; yaku Translation ger Dienst ; Position ; Amt ; Rolle ; Führer ; Aufgabe ; Bühnenrolle ; Wirkung ; Nutzen ; Hand Translation fre utilisation ; usage ; fonction ; rôle ; poste ; position ; combinaison marquant des points ( par ex . au mahjong ou aux cartes ) ; main ( de cartes ) Translation rus 1) служба , должность ; назначение ; 2) ( театр .) роль ; 3) обязанности ; 4) пригодность ; польза

JMdict 200217
Word 役割 ; 役割り
Reading やくわり
Translation dut rolverdeling ; rolbezetting ; casting ; taakverdeling ; rol ; taak ; plicht ; functie ; opdracht ; verantwoordelijkheid ; pakkie-an Translation hun feladat ; kötelesség ; szerep ; teendő Translation slv vloga Translation spa rol ; función ; papel
Translation eng part ; assigning ( allotment of ) parts ; role ; duties Translation ger Rolle Translation fre rôle Translation rus роль ; 1) распределение ролей ( обязанностей ) ; 2) роль

JMdict 200217
Word 役目
Reading やくめ
Translation dut plicht ; taak ; functie ; rol ; opdracht ; dienst ; verantwoordelijkheid ; pakkie-an Translation hun teendő Translation spa papel ; función ; rol
Translation eng duty ; role ; function Translation ger Aufgabe ; Rolle ; Funktion ; Pflicht ; Amtspflicht Translation fre fonction Translation rus обязанности , функции

JMdict 200217
Word 脇役 ; 傍役 ; わき役
Reading わきやく
Translation spa papel secundario ( teatro , cine , etc )
Translation eng supporting role ( actor ) ; minor role Translation ger Nebenrolle ; Nebendarsteller Translation fre rôle secondaire ; second rôle Translation rus 1) подсобная роль ; подсобный ; побочный {~的} ; 2) ( см .) ワキ

JMdict 200217
Word 役回り ; 役まわり
Reading やくまわり
Translation hun feladat ; kötelesség ; szerep ; teendő ; adó
Translation eng role ; part ; duty Translation ger zugewiesene Rolle ; Rollenzuweisung Translation rus обязанность , дело

JMdict 200217
Word 役儀
Reading やくぎ
Translation hun feladat ; kötelesség ; szerep ; adó ; engedelmesség ; tiszteletadás ; vám
Translation eng role ; duty ; responsibility Translation ger Aufgabe ; Rolle ; Funktion Translation rus ( уст . см .) やくめ

JMdict 200217
Word 汚れ役
Reading よごれやく
Translation eng role of a villain ( film , drama , etc .) ; bad-guy role ; social outcast role Translation ger Rolle des sozial Ausgestoßenen

JMdict 200217
Reading ロールモデル ; ロール・モデル
Translation eng role model Translation ger Leitbild

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin yi4 Reading On ヤク ; エキ Nanori ちゃく Reading Korean yeog Reading Korean
Meaning duty ; war ; campaign ; drafted labor ; office ; service ; role Meaning fr rôle ; fonctions ; guerre ; campagne ; corvée ; poste ; service Meaning es oficio ; deber ; servicio ; papel ; ( guerra ) Meaning pt dever ; guerra ; campanha ; esboço ; escritório ; serviço ; papel

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 任務 Simplified 任务
Pinyin ren4 wu5
English mission ; assignment ; task ; duty ; role

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 職能 Simplified 职能
Pinyin zhi2 neng2
English function ; role

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin jue2
Variant [ jue2 ]
English role

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 花旦 Simplified 花旦
Pinyin hua1 dan4
English role of vivacious young female in Chinese opera

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 行當 Simplified 行当
Pinyin hang2 dang5
English profession ; role ( acting )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin jue2
English role ( theater ) ; to compete ; ancient three legged wine vessel ; third note of pentatonic scale

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 角色 Simplified 角色
Pinyin jue2 se4
English role ; character in a novel ; persona ; also pr . [ jiao3 se4 ]

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word お手本
Reading おてほん
Translation eng example ; role model
Crossref 手本

JMdict 200217
Word 役割理論
Reading やくわりりろん
Translation eng role theory

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