JMdict 100319
Word 愛蔵
Reading あいぞう
Translation eng treasured ; cherished Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; kostbar ; Lieblings ...

JMdict 200217
Word お気に入り ; 御気に入り
Reading おきにいり
Translation hun kedvenc Translation spa favorito ; predilecto
Translation eng favorite ; favourite ; pet (e.g. teacher's pet ) ; bookmark ( in web browser ) Translation ger Lieblings… ; Liebling ; Favorit ; Günstling ; Bookmark ; Lesezeichen Translation rus ( разг . см .) きにいり
Crossref 気に入り

JMdict 100319
Word 愛車
Reading あいしゃ
Translation eng ( one's ) beloved car Translation ger jmds . eigenes Auto ; jmds . geliebtes Auto ; Lieblingsauto

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 最愛幹的事 Simplified 最爱干的事
Pinyin zui4 ai4 gan4 de5 shi4
Deutsch Lieblingsbeschäftigung (u.E.) (S)

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 最愛幹的事 Simplified 最爱干的事
Pinyin zui4 ai4 gan4 de5 shi4
Deutsch Lieblingsbeschäftigung (S)

JMdict 100319
Word 愛書
Reading あいしょ
Translation eng great love of books ; favorite book ( favourite ) Translation ger Liebe zu Büchern ; Lieblingsbuch

JMdict 100319
Word 愛読書
Reading あいどくしょ
Translation eng favourite book ; favorite book Translation ger Lieblingsbuch Translation rus люби́мая кни́га

JMdict 100319
Word 手沢
Reading しゅたく
Translation eng worn or soiled with handling Translation ger speckiger Glanz an Dingen , die man lange besitzt ; Lieblingsbuch ; ( Abk .)

JMdict 100319
Word 手沢本
Reading しゅたくぼん
Translation eng favorite book ( worn with much handling ) ; favourite book Translation ger Lieblingsbuch

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 愛読書
Reading あいどくしょ
Translation dut lievelingsboek ; lievelingswerk ; lievelingsgenre Translation spa libro favorito Translation swe älsklingsbok
Translation eng favourite book ; favorite book Translation ger Lieblingsbuch Translation rus любимая книга ; любимый автор

JMdict 200217

JMdict 100319

JMdict 200217
Word 愛蔵版
Reading あいぞうばん
Translation spa edición favorita ; edición de coleccionista
Translation eng collector's edition Translation ger Lieblingsdruckausgabe

JMdict 100319
Word 大好物
Reading だいこうぶつ
Translation eng ( one's ) favourite food ; ( one's ) favorite food Translation ger Lieblingsessen

JMdict 200217
Word 大好物
Reading だいこうぶつ
Translation spa la comida favorita de uno mismo
Translation eng ( one's ) favourite food ; ( one's ) favorite food Translation ger Lieblingsessen

JMdict 100319

JMdict 200217
Word 愛妓
Reading あいぎ
Translation dut favoriete geisha ; favoriete meisje
Translation eng favored geisha ; beloved geisha ; geisha somebody is showing favor to Translation ger Lieblings-Geisha Translation rus ( кн .) любимая гейша

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 愛猫
Reading あいびょう
Translation eng pet cat Translation ger Schmusekatze ; Lieblingskatze

JMdict 200217
Word 愛猫
Reading あいびょう
Translation dut kattenliefhebberij ; ailurofilie ; lievelingskat Translation spa gato favorito
Translation eng ailurophilia ; fondness for cats ; pet cat ; beloved cat Translation ger Schmusekatze ; Lieblingskatze Translation rus любимая кошка
Crossref 愛猫家

JMdict 100319
Word 愛し子 ; 愛子 ; いとし子
Reading いとしご
Translation eng beloved dear child Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; Lieblingskind

JMdict 100319
Word 愛児
Reading あいじ
Translation eng beloved child Translation ger jmds . geliebtes Kind ; Lieblingskind Translation rus люби́мый ребёнок

JMdict 200217
Word 愛児
Reading あいじ
Translation dut geliefd kind ; z'n lief kind ; bemind kind ; zoetelief kind {veroud .} ; kindlief ; kindjelief ; troetelkind ; lieveling ; lievelingskind ; benjamin ; keppekind {gew .} ; oogappel {fig .} Translation spa niño querido
Translation eng beloved child Translation ger jmds . geliebtes Kind ; Lieblingskind ; Schoßkind Translation rus любимый ребёнок

JMdict 200217
Word 寵児
Reading ちょうじ
Translation eng favorite child ; favourite child ; darling ; favorite ; star ; hero Translation ger Lieblingskind ; Schoßkind ; Liebling ; Günstling ; Favorit ; Star Translation rus ( кн .) любимец

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 寵兒 Simplified 宠儿
Pinyin chong3 r5
Deutsch Lieblingskind ; Haustier , Schoßhund (u.E.)

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 寵兒 Simplified 宠儿
Pinyin chong3 r5
Deutsch Lieblingskind ; Haustier , Schoßhund

JMdict 100319
Word 愛妾
Reading あいしょう
Translation eng prostitute Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; Geliebte ; geliebte Mätresse ; geliebte Nebenfrau ; Lieblingskonkubine

JMdict 200217
Word 愛妾
Reading あいしょう
Translation hun prostituált Translation spa prostituta
Translation eng beloved concubine ; favourite concubine (e.g. of the shogun ) Translation ger Geliebte ; geliebte Mätresse ; geliebte Nebenfrau ; Lieblingskonkubine Translation rus любимая наложница
Crossref めかけ

JMdict 100319
Word 愛唱歌
Reading あいしょうか
Translation eng ( one's ) favourite song ; ( one's ) favorite song Translation ger Lieblingslied

JMdict 100319
Word 愛唱曲
Reading あいしょうきょく
Translation eng favourite song ; favorite song Translation ger Lieblingslied

JMdict 200217
Word 愛唱歌
Reading あいしょうか
Translation dut lievelingslied ; lijflied ; lievelingsdeuntje ; graag gezongen lied ; favoriet lied Translation spa canción favorita ( de uno )
Translation eng song one likes to sing ; ( one's ) favourite song Translation ger Lieblingslied

JMdict 200217
Word 愛唱曲
Reading あいしょうきょく
Translation spa canción favorita
Translation eng favourite song ; favorite song Translation ger Lieblingslied

JMdict 100319
Word 愛馬
Reading あいば
Translation eng favourite horse ; favorite horse Translation ger Lieblingspferd ; Zuneigung ; (f) ; zu einem Pferd

JMdict 200217
Word 愛馬
Reading あいば
Translation dut paardenliefhebberij ; lievelingspaard Translation spa caballo favorito
Translation eng favourite horse ; favorite horse Translation ger Lieblingspferd ; Zuneigung zu einem Pferd Translation rus любимый конь

JMdict 200217
Word 口付け ; 口づけ
Reading くちづけ
Translation dut kus ; zoen ; stoplap ; catchphrase Translation hun vékony találat Translation spa beso Translation swe pussa
Translation eng kiss Translation ger Kuss ; Lieblingsphrase ; stereotype Redeweise Translation fre un baiser Translation rus поцелуй ; ( уст .) поцелуй

JMdict 100319
Word 愛弟子
Reading まなでし
Translation eng favorite pupil ; favourite pupil ; teacher's pet Translation ger Lieblingsschüler

Records 1 - 50 of 65 retrieved in 243 ms