JMdict 200217

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin chi2 Reading On Reading Kun も.つ ; -も .ち ; も. てる Nanori もち ; もつ Reading Korean ji Reading Korean
Meaning hold ; have Meaning fr avoir ; tenir Meaning es duración ; propiedad ; cargo ; sostener ; mantener Meaning pt segurar ; ter

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin se4 Reading On ジュウ ; シュウ Reading Kun しぶ ; しぶ .い ; しぶ .る Reading Korean sab Reading Korean
Meaning astringent ; hesitate ; reluctant ; have diarrhea Meaning fr astringent ; hésiter ; rechigner ; diarrhée ; chic Meaning es astringente ; austero ; tacaño ; renuente ; tener diarrea Meaning pt adstringente ; hesitar ; relutante ; ter diarréia

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin shen1 Reading On シン Reading Kun もう .す ; もう . し- ; さる Reading Korean sin Reading Korean
Meaning have the honor to ; sign of the monkey ; 3-5PM ; ninth sign of Chinese zodiac Meaning fr dire ( humble ) ; s'appeler ( humble ) ; j'ai l'honneur de ; signe de la 9ème branche terrestre ; signe du Singe ( zodiaque ) ; 15 h à 17 h Meaning es decir ; tener el honor de Meaning pt tem a honra para

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin zhan1 ; zhan4 Reading On セン Reading Kun し. める ; うらな .う Nanori うら ; しむ ; じめ Reading Korean jeom Reading Korean
Meaning fortune-telling ; divining ; forecasting ; occupy ; hold ; have ; get ; take Meaning fr bonne aventure ; divination ; prédiction ; occuper ; tenir ; posséder ; avoir ; prendre Meaning es adivinar ; pronosticar ; ocupar ; poseer ; tomar Meaning pt Ler a sorte ; advinhar ; previsão ; ocupar-se ; segurar ; manter ; obter ; tomar

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin cang2 ; zang4 Reading On ゾウ ; ソウ Reading Kun くら ; おさ . める ; かく . れる Nanori くらし ; くらん ; くろう ; さし ; ざ ; ろう Reading Korean jang Reading Korean
Meaning storehouse ; hide ; own ; have ; possess Meaning fr entrepôt ; salle de stockage ; cacher ; avoir ; posséder Meaning es almacén ; depósito ; bodega ; esconder ; guardar Meaning pt armazém ; esconder ; possuir ; ter

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin mou2 Reading On ボウ ; ム Reading Kun はか .る ; たばか .る ; はかりごと Reading Korean mo Reading Korean
Meaning conspire ; cheat ; impose on ; plan ; devise ; scheme ; have in mind ; deceive Meaning fr conspirer ; tricher ; imposer ; concevoir ; plan ; projet ; avoir dans l'idée ; duper Meaning es plan ; estratagema ; conspiración ; planear ; idear ; conspirar Meaning pt conspirar ; engano ; impor ; plano ; inventar ; esquema ; tem em mente ; enganar

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin shi4 Reading On セイ ; シャ Reading Kun もら .う Reading Korean se Reading Korean
Meaning get ; have ; obtain Meaning fr recevoir ( je reçois de toi ) ; avoir ; obtenir

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin you3 ; you4 Reading On ユウ ; ウ Reading Kun あ.る Nanori あ ; あら ; あり ; ある ; くに ; なお ; ゆ Reading Korean yu Reading Korean
Meaning possess ; have ; exist ; happen ; occur ; approx Meaning fr posséder ; avoir ; être ; arriver ( se passer ) Meaning es existir ; poseer ; tener ; ser Meaning pt possuir ; ter ; existir ; acontecer ; ocorrer ; aproximadamente ; haver

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin lian2 Reading On レン Reading Kun あわ . れむ ; あわ .れ Reading Korean ryeon Reading Korean
Meaning pity ; have mercy ; sympathise ; compassion

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin xu4 Reading On ジュツ ; シュツ Reading Kun めぐ .む ; あわ . れむ ; うれ . える Reading Korean hyul Reading Korean
Meaning relieve ; have mercy

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin mei2 ; mo4 Reading On ボツ ; モツ Reading Kun おぼ . れる ; しず .む ; ない Reading Korean mol Reading Korean
Meaning not ; have not ; none ; to drown ; sink

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin jing4 Reading On ケイ Reading Kun つ.る ; ひきつ .る Reading Korean gyeong Reading Korean
Meaning have a cramp

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin cang2 ; zang4 Reading On ゾウ ; ソウ Reading Kun くら ; おさ . める ; かく . れる Reading Korean jang Reading Korean
Meaning hide ; own ; have ; possess

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin jin3 ; jin4 Reading On キン Reading Kun まみ . える Reading Korean geun Reading Korean
Meaning see ; have an audience with

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin shan4 Reading On セン Reading Kun すく .う Reading Korean seom Reading Korean
Meaning have enough of ; add to

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin yan3 Reading On エン ; ヨウ Reading Kun うな . される Reading Korean yeom ; yeob Reading Korean ;
Meaning have a nightmare

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin nie4 Reading On ゲツ ; ケツ Reading Kun かじ .る ; か.む Reading Korean seol Reading Korean
Meaning gnaw ; nibble ; munch ; have a smattering of

CC-CEDict 200217

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 不得不 Simplified 不得不
Pinyin bu4 de2 bu4
English have no choice or option but to ; cannot but ; have to ; can't help it ; can't avoid

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 不期而遇 Simplified 不期而遇
Pinyin bu4 qi1 er2 yu4
English meet by chance ; have a chance encounter

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 不能不 Simplified 不能不
Pinyin bu4 neng2 bu4
English have to ; cannot but

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 不落窠臼 Simplified 不落窠臼
Pinyin bu4 luo4 ke1 jiu4
English not follow the beaten track ; have an original style

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 備而不用 Simplified 备而不用
Pinyin bei4 er2 bu4 yong4
English have sth ready just in case ; keep sth for possible future use

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 兼備 Simplified 兼备
Pinyin jian1 bei4
English have both

CC-CEDict 200217

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 口若懸河 Simplified 口若悬河
Pinyin kou3 ruo4 xuan2 he2
English mouth like a torrent ( idiom ) ; eloquent ; glib ; voluble ; have the gift of the gab

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 從來沒 Simplified 从来没
Pinyin cong2 lai2 mei2
English have never ; has never

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 從來沒有 Simplified 从来没有
Pinyin cong2 lai2 mei2 you3
English have never ; never before

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 必得 Simplified 必得
Pinyin bi4 dei3
English must ; have to

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 抱有 Simplified 抱有
Pinyin bao4 you3
English have ; possess

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 有沒有 Simplified 有没有
Pinyin you3 mei2 you3
English ( before a noun ) Do ( you , they etc ) have ...? ; Is there a ...? ; ( before a verb ) Did ( you , they etc ) ( verb , infinitive )? ; Have ( you , they etc ) ( verb , past participle )?

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 有的是 Simplified 有的是
Pinyin you3 de5 shi4
English have plenty of ; there's no lack of

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin wei4
English not yet ; did not ; have not ; not ; 8th earthly branch : 1-3 p.m., 6th solar month ( 7th July-6th August ), year of the Sheep ; ancient Chinese compass point : 210°

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin mei2
English ( negative prefix for verbs ) ; have not ; not

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin xiao1
English to disappear ; to vanish ; to eliminate ; to spend ( time ) ; have to ; need

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 無可奈何 Simplified 无可奈何
Pinyin wu2 ke3 nai4 he2
English have no way out ; have no alternative ; abbr . to 無奈 | 无奈 [ wu2 nai4 ]

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 用不著 Simplified 用不着
Pinyin yong4 bu5 zhao2
English not need ; have no use for

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 總得 Simplified 总得
Pinyin zong3 dei3
English must ; have to ; be bound to

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin tiao4
English have an audience

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin sheng4
English have as remainder ; trad . variant of [ sheng4 ]

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 週末愉快 Simplified 周末愉快
Pinyin zhou1 mo4 yu2 kuai4
English Have a nice weekend!

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 須要 Simplified 须要
Pinyin xu1 yao4
English must ; have to

JMdict 200217
Word 放し
Reading はなし ; ぱなし
Translation eng keep ... -ing ; have been ... -ing ; leaving ( something ) on ; leaving ( something ) still in use
Crossref っ放し

Records 151 - 200 of 248 retrieved in 677 ms