HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 業余愛好 Simplified 业余爱好
Pinyin ye4 yu2 ai4 hao3
Deutsch Hobby (S)

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 業余生活愛好 Simplified 业余生活爱好
Pinyin ye4 yu2 sheng1 huo2 ai4 hao3
Deutsch Hobby

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 癖好 Simplified 癖好
Pinyin pi3 hao4
Deutsch Hobby (S) ; Steckenpferd (S)

JMdict 200217
Word お楽しみ ; 御楽しみ
Reading おたのしみ
Translation eng enjoyment ; pleasure ; diversion ; amusement ; hobby Translation rus ( см .) たのしみ
Crossref 楽しみ

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 業餘 Simplified 业余
Pinyin ye4 yu2
Deutsch Amateur- (u.E.) (S) ; Freizeit (u.E.) (S) ; Hobby- (u.E.) (S)

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 業餘 Simplified 业余
Pinyin ye4 yu2
Deutsch Amateur- (S) ; Freizeit (S) ; Hobby- (S)

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 家庭電腦 Simplified 家庭电脑
Pinyin jia1 ting2 dian4 nao3
Deutsch Hobbycomputer , Hobbyrechner (u.E.) (S)

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 家庭電腦 Simplified 家庭电脑
Pinyin jia1 ting2 dian4 nao3
Deutsch Hobbycomputer , Hobbyrechner (S)

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 女攝影愛好者 Simplified 女摄影爱好者
Pinyin nü3 she4 ying3 ai4 hao3 zhe3
Deutsch Hobbyfotografin (u.E.) (S)

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 女業余攝影師 Simplified 女业余摄影师
Pinyin nü3 ye4 yu2 she4 ying3 shi1
Deutsch Hobbyfotografin (u.E.) (S)

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 女業余攝影師 Simplified 女业余摄影师
Pinyin nü3 ye4 yu2 she4 ying3 shi1
Deutsch Hobbyfotografin (S)

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 女攝影愛好者 Simplified 女摄影爱好者
Pinyin nü3 she4 ying3 ai4 hao3 zhe3
Deutsch Hobbyfotografin (S)

CEDict 100318
Traditional 業餘愛好者 Simplified 业余爱好者
Pinyin ye4 yu2 ai4 hao3 zhe3
English hobbyist ; amateur

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 業餘愛好者 Simplified 业余爱好者
Pinyin ye4 yu2 ai4 hao4 zhe3
English hobbyist ; amateur

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 業余樂師 Simplified 业余乐师
Pinyin ye4 yu2 le4 shi1
Deutsch Hobbymusikant (u.E.) (S)

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 業余音樂家 Simplified 业余音乐家
Pinyin ye4 yu2 yin1 yue4 jia1
Deutsch Hobbymusikant (u.E.) (S)

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 業余音樂家 Simplified 业余音乐家
Pinyin ye4 yu2 yin1 yue4 jia1
Deutsch Hobbymusikant (S)

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 業余樂師 Simplified 业余乐师
Pinyin ye4 yu2 le4 shi1
Deutsch Hobbymusikant (S)

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 業余愛好工作室 Simplified 业余爱好工作室
Pinyin ye4 yu2 ai4 hao4 gong1 zuo4 shi4
Deutsch Hobbyraum (u.E.) (S)

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 業余愛好工作室 Simplified 业余爱好工作室
Pinyin ye4 yu2 ai4 hao4 gong1 zuo4 shi4
Deutsch Hobbyraum (S)

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition appeal ; request ; implore
Pinyin YU4 XU1 Jyutping joek6 jyu6 On YU YAKU Kun YOBU Hangul Korean YU

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition appeal ; request ; implore
Pinyin Jyutping joek6 jyu6 On YU YAKU Kun YOBU Hangul : 1N Korean YU

JMdict 100319
Reading かんな
Translation eng plane ( for working with wood ) Translation ger Hobel ; (m)

JMdict 200217
Reading かんな
Translation dut schaaf Translation hun boglárfa ; egyenletes felületű ; ereszke ; gyalu ; kétdimenziós ; sík ; síkbeli ; síkfelület ; síkidomszer ; síklap ; szállítóvágat ; szint Translation spa cepillo de carpintero ; cepillo de ebanista
Translation eng plane ( for working with wood ) Translation ger Hobel ( Hobel verwendet man in Japan auf Zugdas heißt , man zieht den Hobel zu sich heran ) Translation rus рубанок

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 木工刨床 Simplified 木工刨床
Pinyin mu4 gong1 pao2 chuang2
Deutsch Hobel- und Kehlmaschine (u.E.) (S)

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 木工刨床 Simplified 木工刨床
Pinyin mu4 gong1 pao2 chuang2
Deutsch Hobel- und Kehlmaschine (S)

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 木工刨台 Simplified 木工刨台
Pinyin mu4 gong1 pao2 tai2
Deutsch Hobelbank (u.E.) (S)

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 切片機 Simplified 切片机
Pinyin qie1 pian4 ji1
Deutsch Hobelbank (u.E.) (S)

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 木工刨台 Simplified 木工刨台
Pinyin mu4 gong1 pao2 tai2
Deutsch Hobelbank (S)

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 切片機 Simplified 切片机
Pinyin qie1 pian4 ji1
Deutsch Hobelbank (S)

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 鉋刀 Simplified 刨刀
Pinyin bao4 dao1
Deutsch Hobeleisen , Hobel (u.E.) (S)

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 鉋刀 Simplified 刨刀
Pinyin bao4 dao1
Deutsch Hobeleisen , Hobel (S)

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 刨床 Simplified 刨床
Pinyin pao2 chuang2
Deutsch Hobelmaschine (u.E.) (S)

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 刨床 Simplified 刨床
Pinyin pao2 chuang2
Deutsch Hobelmaschine (S)

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 掻く
Reading かく
Translation eng to scratch ; to perspire ; to shovel ; to paddle Translation ger sich kratzen ; sich jucken ; scharren ; kratzen ; hobeln ; ( Katsuo ) ; zerstoßen ; ( Eis ) ; rechen ; harken ; wegschaufeln ; schippen ; paddeln ; den Arm od . das Ruder durchs Wasser ziehen ; köpfen ; schwitzen Translation fre gratter ; griffer ; racler
Crossref 汗をかく

JMdict 200217
Word 削る
Reading けずる
Translation dut schaven {木材を} ; met een schaaf bewerken ; vijlen ; met een vijl bewerken ; scherpen {鉛筆を} ; slijpen ; een streep halen door ; doorhalen ; doorstrepen ; schrappen ; doorschrappen ; verminderen ; inkrimpen ; terugschroeven ; beknotten ; beperken ; korten ; bekorten ; inkorten ; reduceren ; een verwoede strijd voeren {鎬を} ; een hevige ; zware strijd leveren ; fel strijden Translation hun lecsiszol ; érint ; hántol ; levág ; kihegyez ; siklórepüléssel száll ; farigcsál ; beszélez ; körülnyes ; körülvág ; leélez ; legyalul ; megnyes ; nyír ; vág ; csökken ; csökkent ; megfoszt ; megkurtít ; megnyirbál Translation slv skobljati ; oblati Translation spa limar ; desgastar ; cepillar ; raspar
Translation eng to shave ( wood , leather , etc .) ; to sharpen (e.g. pencil ) ; to plane ; to whittle ; to pare ; to scrape off ; to erode ; to cut down ( budget , expenses , staff , time , etc .) ; to curtail ; to reduce ; to delete ; to erase ; to remove ; to cross out ; to strike out Translation ger feilen ; anspitzen ; abschaben ; hobeln ; abhobeln ; ausstreichen ; wegstreichen ; einschränken ; kürzen Translation fre gratter ; racler ; aiguiser ; tailler ; affuter ; raboter ; rogner ; diminuer ( par ex . un budget , des dépenses , un salaire , etc .) ; réduire ; rayer ; biffer ; barrer ; raturer ; réduire ; restreindre ; retirer ; effacer ; supprimer ; enlever ; retrancher ; ôter Translation rus 1) строгать ; скоблить ; соскабливать ; точить ; 2) вычёркивать ; исключать ; 3) урезывать , сокращать ( расходы , ставку и т. п.)

JMdict 200217
Word 鉋掛け ; カンナ掛け
Reading かんなかけ ; カンナがけ
Translation eng planing ( wood ) Translation ger Hobeln Translation rus : {~する} строгать {рубанком}

JMdict 100319
Word 鉋屑
Reading かんなくず
Translation eng wood shavings Translation ger Hobelspäne

JMdict 200217
Word 鉋屑 ; かんな屑
Reading かんなくず
Translation dut houtschaafsel ; schaafkrullen ; houtkrullen ; schaafsel ; schavelingen {gew .} Translation spa viruta
Translation eng wood shavings Translation ger Hobelspäne Translation rus стружка

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin ZHUO2

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin zhuó

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition highway ; thoroughfare , intersection
Pinyin QU2 Jyutping keoi4 On KU Kun MICHI Hangul Korean KWU Tang *ghio

Records 251 - 300 of 355 retrieved in 524 ms