JMdict 200217
Word 駅舎
Reading えきしゃ
Translation dut stationsgebouw ; poststationsgebouw ; relaisgebouw Translation slv postaja ( poslopje postaje ) Translation spa edificio de la estación Translation swe stationshus
Translation eng station building Translation ger Bahnhofsgebäude

JMdict 200217
Word 駅長
Reading えきちょう
Translation dut stationschef Translation slv postajenačelnik Translation spa jefe de estación
Translation eng station master Translation ger Bahnhofsvorsteher ; Stationsvorsteher Translation fre chef de gare Translation rus начальник станции

JMdict 200217
Word 駅頭
Reading えきとう
Translation hun állomáshely ; megálló ; pályaudvar Translation spa estación Translation swe station
Translation eng station Translation ger Bahnhof ; Bahnhofsvorplatz ; Bahnhofsgegend Translation rus ( кн .) станция , вокзал

JMdict 200217
Word 駅名
Reading えきめい
Translation dut stationsnaam ; naam van een station Translation spa nombre de estación
Translation eng station name Translation ger Bahnhofsname ; Stationsname

JMdict 200217
Word 温泉
Reading おんせん
Translation dut warme bron ; hete bron ; warmwaterbron ; medicinale bron ; badplaats ; kuuroord Translation hun gyógyfürdő Translation slv toplice ; vroče kopeli Translation spa aguas termales ; balneario ; onsen ; spa
Translation eng hot spring ; onsen ; hot spring resort ; hot spring spa Translation ger warme Quelle ; heiße Quelle ; Thermalbad ; Heilbad ; Onsen Translation fre spa ; station thermale ; source chaude ; onsen Translation rus горячие {минеральные} источники

JMdict 200217
Word 終点
Reading しゅうてん
Translation dut eindpunt ; omslagpunt {chem .} ; tram- of buslijn} eindhalte {m .b.t. ; spoorlijn} eindstation {m .b.t. ; eindbestemming ; laatste halte ; station ; stopplaats ; kopstation {i .h.b.} ; {Belg .N. ; niet alg .} terminus Translation hun végcél ; végpont Translation slv končna postaja ; cilj Translation spa terminal de transportes
Translation eng terminus ; last stop (e.g. train ) Translation ger Endstation ; Endbahnhof ; Endpunkt ; Endpunkt ( einer Strecke , eines Vektors ) Translation fre dernier arrêt ; terminus Translation rus конечный пункт ; конечная станция ( остановка )

JMdict 200217
Word 宿場
Reading しゅくば
Translation dut relais ; pleisterplaats ; poststation ; stopplaats
Translation eng relay station ( esp . on Edo-period highway ) ; post station ; stage Translation ger Poststation ; Station
Crossref 宿駅

JMdict 200217
Word 通過駅
Reading つうかえき
Translation eng station at which the train does not stop Translation ger Durchfahrtsbahnhof Translation rus (ж. .) транзитная станция

JMdict 200217
Word 停留所
Reading ていりゅうじょ
Translation dut halte ; stopplaats ; halteplaats Translation slv avtobusno postajališče ; avtobusna postaja Translation spa parada ; estación
Translation eng stop ( bus , tram , etc .) ; station ; stopping place Translation ger Haltestelle Translation fre arrêt de bus ; arrêt de tramway ; arrêt ; gare Translation rus остановка ( напр . трамвайная )

JMdict 200217
Word 病棟
Reading びょうとう
Translation dut ziekenhuisafdeling ; afdeling Translation hun gyámolt ; kórterem ; őr ; őrség Translation spa pabellón hospitalario Translation swe sjuksal
Translation eng ( hospital ) ward Translation ger Station ( eines Krankenhauses ) ; Krankenstation ; Gebäude eines Krankenhauses Translation fre pavillon ( d'un hôpital ) Translation rus больничная палата

JMdict 200217
Word 連絡駅
Reading れんらくえき
Translation eng connecting station ; station where you change Translation ger Anschlussbahnhof Translation fre correspondance ( ex : metro ) ; jonction Translation rus узловая станция

JMdict 200217
Word 給油所
Reading きゅうゆじょ ; きゅうゆしょ
Translation spa estación de servicio
Translation eng petrol filling station ; gasoline filling station Translation ger Tankstelle ; Zapfstelle Translation fre station service Translation rus заправочная станция ( база )

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 駅ビル
Reading えきビル
Translation dut stationsgebouw Translation spa edificio de la estación Translation swe stationshus
Translation eng station building Translation ger Bahnhofsgebäude

JMdict 200217
Word 病舎
Reading びょうしゃ
Translation hun kórház ; betegszoba ; gyengélkedő szoba ; őr ; őrség ; választókerület
Translation eng hospital ; infirmary ; ward Translation ger Krankenhaus ; Hospital ; Station Translation rus ( кн . см .) びょういん【病院】

JMdict 200217
Word 節目 ; フシ目
Reading ふしめ ; フシめ
Translation dut kwast ; knoest ; noest ; knoop {gew .} ; ijkpunt {fig .} ; keerpunt
Translation eng turning point ; critical juncture ; knot ( in a tree , etc .) Translation ger Astknoten ; Bambusknoten ; Meilenstein ; Station ; Abschnitt im Leben

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 駅前広場
Reading えきまえひろば
Translation eng station square ( plaza ) Translation ger Bahnhofsvorplatz Translation rus привокзальная площадь

JMdict 200217
Word 発着所
Reading はっちゃくじょ
Translation eng landing place (e.g. for steamers ) ; station (e.g. bus ) ; terminal Translation ger Landungsbrücke

JMdict 200217
Word 停車駅
Reading ていしゃえき
Translation dut halte {spoorw .} ; stopplaats
Translation eng stop ( on a train's route ) Translation ger Haltebahnhof ; Haltestelle ; Zwischenhalt ; Bahnstation ; Station ( einer Bahnstrecke )
Crossref 急行停車駅

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin yi4 Reading On エキ Reading Korean yeog Reading Korean
Meaning station

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin yi4 Reading On エキ Reading Korean yeog Reading Korean
Meaning station Meaning fr gare Meaning es estación Meaning pt estação

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 站管理 Simplified 站管理
Pinyin zhan4 guan3 li3
English station management

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 站長 Simplified 站长
Pinyin zhan4 zhang3
English station master

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin tai2
English platform ; stage ; terrace ; stand ; support ; station ; broadcasting station ; classifier for vehicles or machines

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 階段 Simplified 阶段
Pinyin jie1 duan4
Deutsch Abschnitt (S) ; Etappe (S) ; Phase (S) ; Station (S)

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin tai2
Deutsch ZEW für schwere Sachen , Maschinen , Computer ; ZEW für Theater-Aufführungen ; Station (S)

JMdict 200217
Word 局管理
Reading きょくかんり
Translation eng SMT ; Station Management

JMdict 200217
Word 立ち位置 ; 立位置
Reading たちいち
Translation eng position ( where one is standing ) ; place where one stands ; position ( in society ) ; status ; role ; station Translation ger Standpunkt ; Position

JMdict 200217
Word 駅構内
Reading えきこうない
Translation eng station premises Translation ger Bahnhofsgelände

JMdict 200217
Word 駅家
Reading えきか ; うまや ; えきや
Translation eng posthouse ; station ; post station Translation ger Poststation ( im Ritsuryō-System )

Records 51 - 100 of 147 retrieved in 802 ms