
Unicode 5.2
Character Definition arouse , excite , incite ; quickly
Pinyin JI1 JIAO4 JIAO1 Jyutping gik1 On GEKI KEKI Kun HAGESHII HAGESHIKU HAGEMASU Hangul Korean KYEK Tang *gek Viet váng khích

JMnedict 100319
Reading Romaji Ji

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ji1
English to arouse ; to incite ; to excite ; to stimulate ; sharp ; fierce ; violent

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin ji1 Reading On ゲキ Reading Kun はげ . しい Reading Korean gyeog Reading Korean
Meaning violent ; get excited ; enraged ; chafe ; incite Meaning fr violent ; s'exciter ; enragé ; s'énerver ; inciter Meaning es violento ; furioso Meaning pt violento ; obtem excitado ; enraged ; chafe ; incita

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition arouse , excite , incite ; quickly
Pinyin Jyutping gik1 On GEKI KEKI Kun HAGESHII HAGESHIKU HAGEMASU Hangul : 0E Korean KYEK Tang *gek Viet váng khích

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin ji1 Reading On ゲキ Reading Kun はげ . しい Reading Korean gyeog Reading Korean
Meaning violent ; get excited ; enraged ; chafe ; incite Meaning fr violent ; s'exciter ; enragé ; s'énerver ; inciter Meaning es violento ; furioso Meaning pt violento ; obtem excitado ; enraged ; chafe ; incita

JMdict 200217
Reading げき
Translation dut super- ; mega- ; kei- ; buitengewoon … ; enorm … ; extreem … ; hevig ; heftig ; geweldig ; aanmoedigen ; hoog oplopen ; intenser worden
Translation eng extremely ...

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin ji1
English to arouse ; to incite ; to excite ; to stimulate ; sharp ; fierce ; violent

JMnedict 200217
Reading Romaji Ji

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 激しい風 ; 烈しい風
Reading はげしいかぜ
Translation eng strong wind Translation ger stürmischer Wind ; starker Wind ; starke Brise

JMdict 100319
Word 激す
Reading げきす
Translation eng to intensify ; to be excited ; to fly into a rage ; to get into a passion ; to dash against ; to encourage
Crossref 激する

JMdict 200217
Word 激す
Reading げきす
Translation eng to intensify ; to be excited ; to fly into a rage ; to get into a passion ; to dash against ; to encourage
Crossref 激する

JMdict 100319
Word 激する
Reading げきする
Translation eng to intensify ; to be excited ; to fly into a rage ; to get into a passion ; to dash against ; to encourage

JMdict 200217
Word 激ムズ ; 激むず
Reading げきムズ ; げきむず
Translation eng extremely difficult

JMdict 200217
Word 滾る ; 激る
Reading たぎる
Translation hun felforral ; forr ; forral ; ; főz ; háborog ; kifőz
Translation eng to boil ; to seethe ; to roil (e.g. waterfall , torrent ) ; to foam ; to cascade down ; to well up ( of emotions ) ; to overflow (e.g. fighting spirit ) ; to seethe ( esp . blood ) Translation ger kochen ; sieden ; brodeln ; auf etw . brennen ; brennen vor Translation rus кипеть ; ( обр .) бурлить

JMdict 100319
Word 激安
Reading げきやす
Translation eng dirt cheap ; bargain priced

JMdict 200217
Word 激安
Reading げきやす
Translation eng dirt cheap ; bargain priced Translation ger Superbilliges ; sehr Billiges

JMdict 200217
Word 激高
Reading げきだか
Translation eng very expensive

JMdict 100319
Word 激昂 ; 激高
Reading げっこう ; げきこう
Translation eng excited ; exasperated ; indignant ; rage ; enraged Translation ger Aufregung ; Erregung

CEDict 100318
Traditional 激昂 Simplified 激昂
Pinyin ji1 ang2
English aroused to indignation

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 激昂 Simplified 激昂
Pinyin ji1 ang2
Deutsch feurig (u.E.) ( Adj ) ; gereizt (u.E.) ( Adj )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 激昂 Simplified 激昂
Pinyin ji1 ang2
English impassioned ; worked up

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 激昂 Simplified 激昂
Pinyin ji1 ang2
Deutsch feurig ( Adj ) ; gereizt ( Adj )

JMdict 100319

CEDict 100318
Traditional 激波 Simplified 激波
Pinyin ji1 bo1
English shock wave

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 激波 Simplified 激波
Pinyin ji1 bo1
English shock wave

JMdict 100319
Word 劇臭 ; 激臭
Reading げきしゅう
Translation eng strong odor ; strong odour ; smell Translation ger scharfer Geruch ; stechender Geruch ; Gestank

JMdict 200217
Word 激臭 ; 劇臭
Reading げきしゅう
Translation eng pungent smell ; sharp smell ; strong odor ( odour ) Translation ger scharfer Geruch ; stechender Geruch ; Gestank

CEDict 100318
Traditional 激打 Simplified 激打
Pinyin ji1 da3
English laser printer ; abbr . for 激光打印機 | 激光打印机 [ ji1 guang1 da3 yin4 ji1 ]

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 激打 Simplified 激打
Pinyin ji1 da3
English laser printer ; abbr . for 激光打印機 | 激光打印机 [ ji1 guang1 da3 yin4 ji1 ]

CEDict 100318
Traditional 激盪 Simplified 激荡
Pinyin ji1 dang4
English to rage ; to dash ; to surge

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 激盪 Simplified 激荡
Pinyin ji1 dang4
Deutsch rasen (u.E.) (V)

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 激盪 Simplified 激荡
Pinyin ji1 dang4
English to rage ; to dash ; to surge

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 激蕩 Simplified 激荡
Pinyin ji1 dang4
English to rage ; to dash ; to surge ; also written 激盪 | 激荡

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 激盪 Simplified 激荡
Pinyin ji1 dang4
Deutsch rasen (V)

CEDict 100318
Traditional 激蕩 Simplified 激蕩
Pinyin ji1 dang4
English to rage ; to dash ; to surge ; also written 激盪 | 激荡

Records 1 - 50 of 64 retrieved in 561 ms