Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to gag or bribe ; to satisfy one's appetite ; name of an old book ; ( Cant .) to guess , reckon mentally ; to bud
Pinyin HUA2 YING2 Jyutping muk1 zing4
Cangjie Input Code RD

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition dull ; dull-minded , simple , stupid
Pinyin DAI1 AI2 Jyutping daai1 ngoi4 On BOU GAI HOU Kun OROKA AKIRERU Hangul Korean MAY THAY PO Viet ngốc
Variant U+9A03
Cangjie Input Code RD

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to gag or bribe ; to satisfy one's appetite ; name of an old book ; ( Cant .) to guess , reckon mentally ; to bud
Pinyin huá Jyutping muk1 zing4
Cangjie Input Code RD

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition dull ; dull-minded , simple , stupid
Pinyin dāi Jyutping daai1 ngoi4 On BOU GAI HOU Kun OROKA AKIRERU Hangul : 1N Korean MAY THAY PO Viet ngốc
Variant U+9A03
Cangjie Input Code RD

JMdict 200217

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition whispering
Pinyin ZHA1 CHA1 Jyutping caa1 caa4 zaa1 On SA Kun SAWAGU Korean SA

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition whispering
Pinyin zhā Jyutping caa1 caa4 zaa1 On SA Kun SAWAGU Korean SA

JMdict 100319
Reading アールデービー
Translation eng RDB

JMdict 200217
Reading アールデービー
Translation eng RDB

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition stupid ; slow
Pinyin LAN2 LIN2 Jyutping lam1 On RAN Kun KAMABISUSHII MUSABORU Korean LAM Viet lăm

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition stupid ; slow
Pinyin lín Jyutping lam1 On RAN Kun KAMABISUSHII MUSABORU Korean LAM Viet lăm

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition close ; be silent , be unable speak
Pinyin JIN4 Jyutping gam3 kam1 On KIN Kun TSUGUMU Hangul Korean KUM Viet gặm

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition close ; be silent , be unable speak
Pinyin jìn Jyutping gam3 kam1 On KIN Kun TSUGUMU Hangul : 1N Korean KUM Viet gặm

JMdict 200217
Word 赤い ; 紅い ; 朱い ; 緋い ; 丹い ; 赭い
Reading あかい
Translation dut rood ; roodbruin ; mooi ; knap ; rood {pol .} Translation hun piros golyó ; piros szín ; pirosság ; szélsőbaloldali ; teherlap ; vörös biliárdgolyó ; vörös golyó ; vörös szín ; vörös ; vörösség Translation slv rdeč Translation spa rojo ; comunista Translation swe röd
Translation eng red ; crimson ; scarlet ; vermilion ; vermillion ; Red ; communist ; beautiful Translation ger rot ; kommunistisch Translation fre rouge ; Rouge (c. -à-d . communiste ) Translation rus красный ; 1) красный , алый ; 2) ( полит .) красный ( напр . о коммунистах )

JMdict 200217
Word ; ; ;
Reading あか
Translation dut rood {= de kleur █} ; roodbruin {= de kleur █} ; azuki {hofdamesjargon} ; adukiboon ; baby ; kindje ; rode rijst ; roodkoper ; sake ; roodbruine miso {cul .} ; tekort ; deficit ; rode cijfers ; roodstand ; rood ; laatste tram ; laatste trein ; laatste bus ; rood licht ; rood verkeerslicht ; stoplicht ; rode ploeg {sportt .} ; rood {pol .} ; een rooie {i .h.b.} ; twaalf rode kaarten in het mekuri-kaartspel {kaartsp .} ; aka naam van van elk de drie vijfpuntenkaarten in het hanafuda-kaartspel {kaartsp .} {= ; voorgesteld door een rode papierstrook over een patroon van resp . pijnboomen ; pruimenbomen en sierkersen} ; stel van drie aka-kaarten {meton .} ; brand {Barg .} ; vuur ; vuurtje {i .h.b.} ; lucifer ; inbraak na het het openbranden van slot {Barg .} ; bloed {Barg .} ; menstruatie {i .h.b.} ; de rooie loop {vulg .} ; diefstal van metaalgeld {Barg .} ; kosteloze advertentie {krantenjargon} ; gratis krant ; volkomen … ; op-en-top … ; geheel en al … ; volkomen … ; op-en-top … ; geheel en al … ; volslagen Translation hun bolsevik ; kommunista ; piros ; rőt ; vörös ; élénkvörös ; skarlát ; skarlátpiros Translation slv rdeča Translation spa rojo
Translation eng copper ; red poetry ribbon card ( in hanafuda ) ; red ; crimson ; scarlet ; red-containing colour (e.g. brown , pink , orange ) ; Red (i.e. communist ) ; red light ( traffic ) ; red ink (i.e. in finance or proof-reading ) ; ( in ) the red ; complete ; total ; perfect ; obvious Translation ger rot ; Rot ; rote Farbe ; Kommunist ; Roter ; letzter ; Korrekturen ; vollkommen ( nackt , fremd etc .) ; rote Färbung ; Röte Translation fre rouge ; pourpre ; écarlate ; Rouge ( communiste ) ; feu rouge ; cuivre Translation rus 1) красное , красный цвет ; 2) ( полит .) красный ( напр . о коммунистах ) ; стать красным {~になる} ; 3) ( см .) あかんぼ
Crossref 銅・あかがね・1 ; 赤の他人 ; 赤字・1 ; 赤字・2 ; 赤信号・1 ; あかたん

JMdict 200217
Word 口紅
Reading くちべに
Translation dut rouge voor de lippen ; lippenstift ; lipstick ; rode rand ( aan bord ; bloem enz .) Translation hun ajakrúzs ; rúzs Translation slv rdečilo za ustnice Translation spa pintalabios Translation swe läppstift
Translation eng lipstick Translation ger Lippenstift ; Lippenrot ; Aufbringen eines roten Kreises auf dem Rand eines Gefäßes ; roter Kreis am Rand eines Gefäßes Translation fre rouge à lèvres Translation rus с красной каёмкой ( напр . о блюде , цветке ) ; 1) губная помада ; 2): {~の} с красной каёмкой ( напр . о блюде , цветке )

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to twitter

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition to twitter

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition restless , melancholy
Pinyin SAO4 Jyutping cou3 so3 On SOU Kun KE

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition restless , melancholy
Pinyin sào Jyutping cou3 so3 On SOU Kun KE

Unicode 5.2
Character 𠺝 Definition ( Cant .) final particle
Jyutping gaak3

Unicode 12.1
Character 𠺝 Definition ( Cant .) final particle
Pinyin Jyutping gaak3

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition English inch ( unlike U+5BF8 , which can be either the English or the Chinese inch )
Pinyin CUN4 Jyutping cyun3 On SUN TOU Kun INCHI Hangul Korean CHON

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition English inch ( unlike U+5BF8 , which can be either the English or the Chinese inch )
Pinyin cùn Jyutping cyun3 On SUN TOU Kun INCHI Hangul : 1N Korean CHON

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin HU2

Unicode 12.1

Unicode 5.2
Pinyin XUE4 Jyutping hyut3 On KETSU KECHI SETSU SECHI Korean HYEL

Unicode 12.1
Pinyin xuè Jyutping hyut3 On KETSU KECHI SETSU SECHI Korean HYEL

Unicode 5.2
Character 𡃤 Definition ( Cant .) to leave behind , omit
Jyutping laai6

Unicode 12.1
Character 𡃤 Definition ( Cant .) to leave behind , omit
Jyutping laai6

Unicode 5.2

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition horn , bugle ; lama ; final particle
Pinyin LA3 Jyutping laa1 On RATSU RA Kun MONOIU Hangul Korean LAL LA Viet lạt
Variant U+F90B

Unicode 12.1

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition horn , bugle ; lama ; final particle
Pinyin Jyutping laa1 On RATSU RA Kun MONOIU Hangul : 0N : 0N Korean LAL LA Viet lạt
Variant U+F90B

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition cough , gargle , clear throat
Pinyin SOU4 Jyutping sau2 sau3 On SOKU SHUU SOU Kun SUU KUCHISUSUGU Hangul Korean SWU

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition cough , gargle , clear throat
Pinyin sòu Jyutping sau2 sau3 On SOKU SHUU SOU Kun SUU KUCHISUSUGU Hangul : 0N Korean SWU

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition to spurt ; to blow out ; to puff out ; to snort
Pinyin PEN1 Jyutping pan3 On HON Viet bỏm

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