Unicode 5.2
Character Definition persimmon
Pinyin SHI4 Jyutping ci2 ci5 On SHI Kun KAKI Korean SI Viet niêu thị
Variant U+67BE

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition chestnut tree , chestnuts ; surname
Pinyin LI4 Jyutping leot6 On RITSU Kun KURI ONONOKU Hangul Korean LYUL Tang *lit Viet niêu lật
Traditional U+6144 Variant U+F9D9

Unicode 5.2
Character 𡋁
Viet niêu

Unicode 5.2
Character 𡒭
Viet niêu

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition persimmon
Pinyin shì Jyutping ci2 ci5 On SHI Kun KAKI Hangul :N Korean SI Viet niêu thị
Variant U+67BE

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition chestnut tree , chestnuts ; surname
Pinyin Jyutping leot6 On RITSU Kun KURI ONONOKU Hangul : 0E :0 Korean LYUL Tang *lit Viet niêu lật
Traditional U+6144 Variant U+F9D9

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin ni4 ; niao4 Reading On デキ ; ジョウ ; ニョウ Reading Kun いばり ; おぼ . れる Reading Korean nig ; nyo Reading Korean ;
Meaning drown ; indulge Meaning es ahogo ; éxtasis ; entusiasmo ; satisfacción ; ahogarse ; entusiasmarse ; estar en éxtasis ; darse el gusto de
Reading vietnam Niệu

KanjiDic2 200217
Literal 尿
Reading Pinyin niao4 ; ni4 ; sui1 Reading On ニョウ Reading Kun ゆばり ; いばり ; しと Reading Korean nyo Reading Korean
Meaning urine Meaning fr urine Meaning es orina Meaning pt Urina
Reading vietnam Niệu

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin niao3 Reading On ジョウ ; ジャク ; デキ Reading Kun なよ . やかな ; しなや .か ; たお . やか Reading Korean nyo ; yag Reading Korean ;
Meaning supple ; pliant ; delicate ; slender
Reading vietnam Niệu

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin niao3 Reading On ドウ ; ジョウ Reading Kun なぶ .る Reading Korean nyo Reading Korean
Meaning sport with ; ridicule ; tease
Reading vietnam Niếu ; Niễu ; Niểu

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin qiao1 Reading On コウ ; キョウ ; ギョウ Reading Korean yo
Meaning stony
Reading vietnam Niêu

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin rao3 ; rao2 Reading On ニョウ ; ドウ ; キョウ ; ジョウ ; ヨウ Reading Kun わずら . わしい ; なや .む Reading Korean yo
Meaning graceful ; charming ; fascinating
Reading vietnam Niêu ; Niểu

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin niao3 Reading On ジョウ ; ジャク ; デキ Reading Kun なよ . やかな ; しなや .か ; たお . やか
Meaning delicate ; graceful
Reading vietnam Niễu ; Niệu

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin niao3 Reading On チョウ ; ジョウ ; ニョウ Reading Kun しなや .か Reading Korean nyo
Meaning curling upwards ; wavering gently
Reading vietnam Niễu ; Niểu ; Niệu

JMnedict 200217
Reading ニウポール Romaji nieuport

JMnedict 200217
Reading ニューポール Romaji nieuport

JMnedict 100319
Word 贄浦
Reading にえうら Romaji Nieura

JMnedict 200217
Word 贄浦
Reading にえうら Romaji Nieura

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 新尼德蘭 Simplified 新尼德兰
Pinyin xin1 ni2 de2 lan2
Deutsch Nieuw Nederland (u.E.) (S, Gesch )

JMdict 200217
Reading ニュー
Translation dut nu {dertiende letter van het Griekse alfabet ( Ν,ν )} ; nieuw ~ Translation hun modern Translation slv novo Translation spa ( eng : new ) nuevo Translation swe ny
Translation eng new Translation ger neu Translation rus (( англ .) new ) ; 1) новый ; 2) недавний

JMdict 200217
Reading しん
Translation dut het nieuwe ; iets nieuws ; nieuwheid ; nieuwigheid ; noviteit ; novelty ; nouveauté ; nieuwe stijl ; gregoriaanse tijdrekening ; zonnekalender ; n.s. van shinreki 新暦} {afk .} {verkorting ; Xīn {Chinese dynastie ; 8 - 23 (9 - 25 ) n. Chr .} ; nieuw ; neo- Translation hun modern Translation spa nuevo Translation swe ny
Translation eng Gregorian calendar ; Xin dynasty ( China , 9-23 CE ) ; Hsin dynasty ; new ; neo- ; newness ; novelty Translation ger Xin-Dynastie ( 9-24 n. Chr .) Translation fre néo- ; nouveau Translation rus ( кн .) новое ; новизна
Crossref 新暦

JMdict 200217
Word 新しい ; 新らしい
Reading あたらしい
Translation dut nieuw Translation hun modern Translation slv nov Translation spa nuevo Translation swe ny
Translation eng new ; novel ; fresh ; recent ; latest ; up-to-date ; modern Translation ger neu ; nagelneu ; frisch ; neuartig ; zeitgemäß ; modern Translation fre neuf ; nouveau ; frais ; récent ; dernier ; à jour ; moderne Translation rus новый ; свежий хлебе и т. п.)

JMdict 200217
Word 新た
Reading あらた
Translation dut nieuw ; hernieuwd ; op nieuwe wijze ; opnieuw ; nogmaals ; andermaal ; weer ; nog eens ; wederom ; terug {Belg .N.} ; nieuw ; hernieuwd ; fris Translation hun modern ; új ; friss ; regény ; újfajta Translation slv nov ; svež ; čil Translation spa de nuevo ; recientemente ; nuevamente ; nuevo
Translation eng new ; fresh ; novel Translation ger neu ; frisch ; neuartig ; erneut ; erneut ; wieder ; aufs Neue ; noch einmal ; neu ; frisch ; neuartig Translation fre neuf ; frais ; nouveau Translation rus а) заново ; новый , свежий ; : {~な} новый , свежий ; ~に ; а) заново ; обновить {~にする} ; б) снова , ещё раз , опять

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 新芽
Reading しんめ
Translation dut spruit {plantk .} ; loot ; scheut ; uitspruitsel ; uitloper ; knop ; nieuw lot Translation hun bimbó ; csíra ; hajtás ; rügy ; sarjadék ; testvér ; csúszda ; nyilallás ; zuhogó Translation spa brote ; retoño ; cogollo ; botón ; yema
Translation eng sprout ; bud ; shoot Translation ger neue Knospe ; neuer Keim ; junger Trieb ; Spross ; Schössling Translation fre bourgeon ; jeune pousse Translation rus побеги , ростки ; почки

JMdict 200217
Word 新学期
Reading しんがっき
Translation dut nieuw schoolsemester ; nieuw semester ; nieuw schooljaar Translation slv novo šolsko obdobje ; novi semester Translation spa nuevo semestre escolar
Translation eng new school term Translation ger neues Semester Translation fre rentrée des classes Translation rus новый семестр

JMdict 200217
Word 新館
Reading しんかん
Translation dut nieuw gebouw ; bijgebouw {i .h.b.} ; dependance ; annexe Translation hun függelék ; pótlás
Translation eng new building ; annexe ; annex Translation ger Neubau Translation rus новое здание ; новый корпус ( общественного назначения )

JMdict 200217
Word 新規
Reading しんき
Translation dut nieuw ; nieuwe klant ; nieuwe regel ; nieuw voorschrift ; nieuw reglement Translation hun új volta vminek ; újdonság ; eredetiség Translation spa nuevo ( documento )
Translation eng new customer ; new ; fresh ; new item (e.g. customer , regulation ) ; newly created object Translation ger neu ; frisch ; neu ; von Neuem ; aufs Neue ; erneut ; Neuheit ; Neu… ; neues Dokument ; neue Datei ( Computermenü etc .) ; Neukunde ; neue Regel Translation fre nouveauté ; originalité Translation rus заново ; новый ; 1) новые правила ; 2): {~{の}} новый ; заново {~に}
Crossref ご新規

JMdict 200217
Word 新記録
Reading しんきろく
Translation dut nieuw record ; nieuw hoogtepunt
Translation eng new record ( in sports , etc .) Translation ger neuer Rekord Translation rus новый рекорд

JMdict 200217
Word 新型 ; 新形
Reading しんがた
Translation dut nieuw model ; nieuw type ; nieuwe stijl Translation spa nuevo estilo ; nuevo modelo
Translation eng new type ; new style ; new model ; new strain (e.g. infectious disease ) Translation ger neue Form ; neues Modell ; neue Mode ; neuer Stil Translation rus новый ; нового типа ( фасона ); новой марки ( машина и т. п.)

JMdict 200217
Word 新作
Reading しんさく
Translation dut nieuw werk ; nieuwe productie ; nieuwe creatie Translation spa nueva obra ; nueva producción
Translation eng new work ; new production Translation ger neues Werk ; neue Produktion ; neue Komposition Translation rus новое произведение ( литературное и т. п.)

JMdict 200217
Word 新種
Reading しんしゅ
Translation dut nieuw soort ; nieuwe variëteit ; nieuwe species
Translation eng new species ; new variety Translation ger neue Art ; neue Spezies

JMdict 200217
Word 新制
Reading しんせい
Translation dut nieuw systeem ; nieuw stelsel ; nieuw schoolsysteem {i .h.b.} Translation spa nuevo sistema
Translation eng new system Translation ger neue Ordnung ; Reorganisation ; nach neuem System Translation fre nouveau régime ; nouveau système ; nouvelle organisation Translation rus новая система

JMdict 200217
Word 新鮮
Reading しんせん
Translation dut vers ; nieuw ; fris {fig .} ; verfrissend ; nieuw ; versheid ; fraîcheur ; frisheid ; vers ; nieuw ; fris {fig .} ; verfrissend {fig .} ; nieuw Translation hun friss Translation slv svež ; osvežilen Translation spa fresco Translation swe friskhet ; fräschhet
Translation eng fresh Translation ger frisch ; neu ; Frische ; Frische ; Neuheit Translation fre frais Translation rus свежий ; свежесть ; свежий {~な} ; освежать {~にする}

Records 1 - 50 of 70 retrieved in 920 ms