CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 合成數 Simplified 合成数
Pinyin he2 cheng2 shu4
English composite number (i.e. not prime , has a factorization )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 合成物 Simplified 合成物
Pinyin he2 cheng2 wu4
English compound ; composite ; cocktail

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 合成語境 Simplified 合成语境
Pinyin he2 cheng2 yu3 jing4
English composite context

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 合數 Simplified 合数
Pinyin he2 shu4
English composite number (i.e. not prime , has a factorization )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 合體 Simplified 合体
Pinyin he2 ti3
English to combine ; combination ; composite character (i.e. a synonym of 合體字 | 合体字 [ he2 ti3 zi4 ]) ; ( of clothes ) to be a good fit

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 構詞 Simplified 构词
Pinyin gou4 ci2
English composite word

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 混合 Simplified 混合
Pinyin hun4 he2
English to mix ; to blend ; hybrid ; composite

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 混合物 Simplified 混合物
Pinyin hun4 he2 wu4
English mixture ; composite

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 綜合 Simplified 综合
Pinyin zong1 he2
English comprehensive ; composite ; synthesized ; mixed ; to sum up ; to integrate ; to synthesize

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 綜合藝術 Simplified 综合艺术
Pinyin zong1 he2 yi4 shu4
English composite arts ; multi-media arts

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin fu4
English to repeat ; to double ; to overlap ; complex ( not simple ) ; compound ; composite ; double ; diplo- ; duplicate ; overlapping ; to duplicate

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 複合 Simplified 复合
Pinyin fu4 he2
English complex ; compound ; composite ; hybrid

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 複合弓 Simplified 复合弓
Pinyin fu4 he2 gong1
English composite bow ( archery )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 複合材料 Simplified 复合材料
Pinyin fu4 he2 cai2 liao4
English composite material

JMdict 200217
Word 複合法
Reading ふくごうほう
Translation eng composite algorithm

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 作者
Reading さくしゃ
Translation dut auteur ; schrijver ; schrijfster ; steller ; stelster ; opsteller ; opstelster Translation hun okozó Translation spa autor
Translation eng author ; authoress ; writer ; composer ; artist Translation ger Autor ; Verfasser ; Künstler Translation fre auteur ; écrivain ; compositeur ; artiste Translation rus автор ; писатель

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 組織 ; 組職
Reading そしき ; そしょく
Translation dut organiseren ; formeren ; samenstellen ; componeren ; in elkaar zetten ; construeren ; vormen ; inrichten ; structureren ; organisatie ; inrichting ; organisatie ; structuur ; formatie ; samenstelling ; vorming ; inrichting ; georganiseerdheid ; opbouw ; bouw ; constructie ; compositie ; systeem ; stelsel ; weefsel {biol .} ; textuur {i .h.b.} ; innerlijke structuur {i .h.b.} ; voor organisaties {maatwoord ; structuren} Translation hun szervezés ; szervezet ; szerkezet ; fátyol ; szövedék ; szövet ( biológiai ) Translation slv ureditev ; sestav ; sestava ; ustroj Translation spa organizar ; formar ; estructurar ; constituir ; organización ; estructura ; construcción ; tejido ; sistema
Translation eng texture ( of a rock ) ; weave ( of a fabric ) ; organization ; organisation ; formation ; structure ; construction ; setup ; constitution ; system (e.g. railroad , transport , party , etc .) ; tissue Translation ger formen ; organisieren ; konstruieren ; zusammensetzen ; etw . bilden ; systematisieren ; in ein System bringen ; systematisch behandeln ; gliedern ; Organisation ; Formation ; Struktur ; Gefüge ; Gliederung ; Konstruktion ; Zusammensetzung ; Gewebe ; System Translation fre structure ; construction ; tissu ; système Translation rus организовать , формировать , составлять ; 1) организация ; формирование ; организовать , формировать , составлять {~する} ; 2) организация , структура , система ; систематический {~的} ; 3) ( биол .) ткань ; организм
Crossref 石理

JMdict 200217
Word 複合語
Reading ふくごうご
Translation dut samengesteld woord {taalk .} ; samenkoppeling ; samenstelling ; compositum ; compositie Translation hun összetett szó
Translation eng compound word ; compound term Translation ger zusammengesetztes Wort ; Kompositum Translation rus ( грам .) сложное слово
Crossref 単純語

JMdict 200217
Reading キーイング
Translation eng keying ( graphics ) ; compositing

JMdict 100319
Reading コンポジション
Translation eng composition Translation ger Komposition

JMdict 100319
Word 構図
Reading こうず
Translation eng composition Translation ger Komposition ; Entwurf ; Plan

JMdict 100319
Word 作曲
Reading さっきょく
Translation eng composition ; setting ( of music ) Translation ger {Mus .} Komposition Translation fre composer ( de la musique ) ; composition Translation rus компози́ция ; сочине́ние му́зыки

JMdict 100319
Word 作文
Reading さくぶん
Translation eng formal writing with little real meaning ; writing ( an essay , prose , etc .) ; composition Translation ger Aufsatz Translation fre écriture ; composition
Crossref 作文・さくもん

JMdict 100319
Word 出場
Reading しゅつじょう
Translation eng ( stage ) appearance ; participation ; performance Translation ger Auftreten ; Teilnahme Translation fre composition ( théâtre ) ; participation

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 組成
Reading そせい
Translation eng composition ; constitution Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; Zusammensetzung ; Komposition Translation fre composition ; constitution

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