
Unicode 5.2
Character Definition table , bench ; legal case
Pinyin AN4 Jyutping ngon3 on3 On AN Kun TSUKUE KANGAERU Hangul Korean AN Tang qɑ̀n Viet duyên án

JMdict 100319
Reading あん
Translation eng idea ; plan ; thought ; draft plan ; motion ; rough copy ; expectation Translation ger Vorschlag ; Antrag ; Einfall ; Idee ; Plan ; Vorhaben ; Projekt ; Ansicht ; Meinung Gedanke ; Vorsatz ; Entwurf ; Gesetzesvorlage ; Erwartung ; ( elegant ) ; Tisch Translation fre plan ; suffixe signifiant projet provisoire
Crossref 原案

JMdict 100319
Word ;
Reading つくえ ; つき
Translation eng desk Translation ger Schreibtisch ; Schulbank Translation fre bureau Translation rus стол

JMnedict 100319
Reading あとう Romaji Atou

JMnedict 100319
Reading つくえ Romaji Tsukue

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin an4
English ( legal ) case ; incident ; record ; file ; table

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin an4 Reading On アン Reading Kun つくえ Reading Korean an Reading Korean
Meaning plan ; suggestion ; draft ; ponder ; fear ; proposition ; idea ; expectation ; bill ; worry Meaning fr plan ; suggestion ; projet ( loi ) ; réflexion ; peur ; proposition ; idée ; attente Meaning es plan ; idea ; sugerencia ; borrador Meaning pt plano ; sugestão ; esboço ; ponderar ; medo ; proposição ; idéia ; expectativa ; conta ; preocupar

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition table , bench ; legal case
Pinyin àn Jyutping ngon3 on3 On AN Kun TSUKUE KANGAERU Hangul : 0E Korean AN Tang qɑ̀n Viet duyên án

JMdict 200217
Word ;
Reading つくえ ; つき
Translation dut bureau ; werktafel ; schoolbank {i .h.b.} ; bank Translation hun írópolc ; iskolapad ; kassza ; lelkipásztorkodás ; misekönyv tartó ; műszerasztal ; referens ; szerelőasztal ; szerkesztőség titkársága Translation slv miza Translation spa escritorio Translation swe bord ; skrivbord ; skolbänk
Translation eng desk Translation ger Schreibtisch ; Arbeitstisch ; Esstisch Translation fre bureau Translation rus стол ; парта

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin an4 Reading On アン Reading Kun つくえ Reading Korean an Reading Korean
Meaning plan ; suggestion ; draft ; ponder ; fear ; proposition ; idea ; expectation ; worry ; table ; bench Meaning fr plan ; suggestion ; projet ( loi ) ; réflexion ; peur ; proposition ; idée ; attente Meaning es plan ; idea ; sugerencia ; borrador Meaning pt plano ; sugestão ; esboço ; ponderar ; medo ; proposição ; idéia ; expectativa ; conta ; preocupar

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin an4
English ( legal ) case ; incident ; record ; file ; table

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin an4
Deutsch Akte , Aufzeichnung , Ereignis , ( zugelassener ) Fall , Tabelle ( Sprachw )

JMnedict 200217
Reading あとう Romaji Atou

JMnedict 200217
Reading つくえ Romaji Tsukue

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 案じ顔
Reading あんじがお
Translation eng worried look Translation ger besorgte Miene ; besorgtes Gesicht

JMdict 200217
Word 案じ顔
Reading あんじがお
Translation spa mira preocupada
Translation eng worried look Translation ger besorgte Miene ; besorgtes Gesicht Translation rus озабоченный вид ; озабоченно {~で}

JMdict 100319

JMdict 200217
Word 案に相違して
Reading あんにそういして
Translation dut buiten ; tegen verwachting ; tegen de verwachting in Translation spa contrario a las expectativas de uno
Translation eng contrary to one's expectations Translation ger anders als erwartet

JMdict 100319
Word 案の定
Reading あんのじょう
Translation eng just as one thought ; as usual Translation ger wie erwartet ; erwartungsgemäß Translation fre comme d'habitude ; comme prévu

JMdict 200217

JMdict 100319
Word 案を立てる
Reading あんをたてる
Translation eng to draft a proposal ; to draught a proposal Translation ger einen Plan aufstellen ; Pläne machen

JMdict 200217
Word 案を立てる
Reading あんをたてる
Translation spa redactar una propuesta
Translation eng to draft a proposal Translation ger einen Plan aufstellen ; Pläne machen

CEDict 100318
Traditional 案板 Simplified 案板
Pinyin an4 ban3
English kneading or chopping board

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 案板 Simplified 案板
Pinyin an4 ban3
English kneading or chopping board

CEDict 100318
Traditional 案兵束甲 Simplified 案兵束甲
Pinyin an4 bing1 shu4 jia3
English to rest weapons and loosen armor ( idiom ); to relax from fighting

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 案兵束甲 Simplified 案兵束甲
Pinyin an4 bing1 shu4 jia3
English to rest weapons and loosen armor ( idiom ); to relax from fighting

JMnedict 100319
Word 案部
Reading あんべ Romaji Anbe

JMnedict 200217
Word 案部
Reading あんべ Romaji Anbe

CEDict 100318
Traditional 案稱 Simplified 案称
Pinyin an4 cheng4
English counter scale

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 案稱 Simplified 案称
Pinyin an4 cheng4
English counter scale

JMdict 100319
Word 案出
Reading あんしゅつ
Translation eng contrivance ; to invent ; to devise ; to think out Translation ger Erfindung Translation fre imaginer ; inventer

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 案底 Simplified 案底
Pinyin an4 di3
Deutsch Vorstrafe (u.E.) (S, Rechtsw )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 案底 Simplified 案底
Pinyin an4 di3
English criminal record

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 案底 Simplified 案底
Pinyin an4 di3
Deutsch Vorstrafe (S, Rechtsw )

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 案抵 Simplified 安抵
Pinyin an4 di3
Deutsch wohlbehalten eingetroffen (u.E.) (V, Rechtsw )

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 案抵 Simplified 安抵
Pinyin an4 di3
Deutsch wohlbehalten eingetroffen (V, Rechtsw )

JMnedict 100319
Word 案地
Reading あんち Romaji Anchi

JMnedict 200217
Word 案地
Reading あんち Romaji Anchi

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 案牍 Simplified 安度
Pinyin an1 du4
Deutsch Akte , Schriftstück (u.E.) (S)

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 案牘 Simplified 案牍
Pinyin an4 du2
English official documents or correspondence

HanDeDict 200217
Traditional 案牍 Simplified 安度
Pinyin an1 du4
Deutsch Akte , Schriftstück (S)

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