CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 約莫 Simplified 约莫
Pinyin yue1 mo5
English about ; around ; approximately

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 約摸 Simplified 约摸
Pinyin yue1 mo5
English about ; around ; approximately ; also written 約莫 | 约莫

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 約合 Simplified 约合
Pinyin yue1 he2
English approximately ; about ( some numerical value )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin zhun3
English accurate ; standard ; definitely ; certainly ; about to become ( bride , son-in-law etc ) ; quasi- ; para-

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 較略 Simplified 较略
Pinyin jiao4 lu : e4
English approximately ; roughly ; about

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 近似 Simplified 近似
Pinyin jin4 si4
English similar ; about the same as ; approximately ; approximation

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 那麼 Simplified 那么
Pinyin na4 me5
English like that ; in that way ; or so ; so ; so very much ; about ; in that case

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 彌漫 Simplified 弥漫
Pinyin mi2 man4
English to pervade ; to fill the air ; diffuse ; everywhere present ; about to inundate ( water ) ; permeated by ( smoke ) ; filled with ( dust ) ; to saturate ( the air with fog , smoke etc )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 關於 Simplified 关于
Pinyin guan1 yu2
English pertaining to ; concerning ; with regard to ; about ; a matter of

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 大概 Simplified 大概
Pinyin da4 gai4
English roughly ; probably ; rough ; approximate ; about ; general idea

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 出しな
Reading でしな
Translation eng about to leave ; about to start out Translation rus ( см .) でがけ ( ~に )
Crossref 出掛け・でがけ・1

JMdict 200217
Word 数刻
Reading すうこく
Translation eng a few hours ; several hours ; about two to six hours Translation ger einige Stunden ; mehrere Stunden Translation rus ( кн .) несколько часов
Crossref 数時間

JMdict 200217
Word 良い頃 ; よい頃 ; 良いころ
Reading よいころ
Translation dut gepaste tijd ; goede gelegenheid
Translation eng high time ; about time
Crossref いい頃・いいころ

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 不相上下 Simplified 不相上下
Pinyin bu4 xiang1 shang4 xia4
English equally matched ; about the same

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 死にそう
Reading しにそう
Translation dut vergaan ( van ) ; sterven ( van ) ; het verschrikkelijk hebben
Translation eng at the point of death ; almost dead ; about to die ; at some limit ( pain , hunger , etc .)

JMdict 200217
Word いい頃
Reading いいころ
Translation eng high time ; about time

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 今頃 ; 今ごろ
Reading いまごろ
Translation dut nu ongeveer ; rond ; om deze tijd ; rond dit uur ; onderhand ; op dit ogenblik Translation slv v tem času ; trenutku Translation spa a estas horas ; en estos momentos ; en esta época ; en esta temporada ; a estas horas ( alturas )
Translation eng about this time Translation ger um diese Zeit ; um diese Stunde ; ungefähr jetzt ; zu solch einer Zeit Translation fre à cette heure ; récemment ; vers cette époque Translation rus 1) {примерно} в это {же} время ; 2) ( см .) いまどき

CEDict 100318
Traditional 關于 Simplified 关于
Pinyin guan1 yu2
English pertaining to ; concerning ; regarding ; with regards to ; about ; a matter of ; also written 關於 | 关于

CEDict 100318
Traditional 關乎 Simplified 关乎
Pinyin guan1 hu1
English to relate to ; concerning ; about

CEDict 100318
Traditional 約摸 Simplified 约摸
Pinyin yue1 mo5
English about ; around ; approximately ; also written 約莫 | 约莫

CEDict 100318
Traditional 約合 Simplified 约合
Pinyin yue1 he2
English approximately ; about ( some numerical value )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 模樣 Simplified 模样
Pinyin mu2 yang4
English look ; style ; appearance ; approximation ; about

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin dai4
English to wait ; to treat ; to deal with ; to need ; going to ( do sth ) ; about to ; intending to

CEDict 100318
Traditional 大概 Simplified 大概
Pinyin da4 gai4
English roughly ; probably ; rough ; approximate ; about

JMnedict 100319
Reading アブー Romaji About

JMdict 100319
Word 死にそう
Reading しにそう
Translation eng at the point of death ; almost dead ; about to die ; at some limit ( pain , hunger , etc .)

JMdict 100319
Word いい頃 ; 良い頃
Reading いいころ ; よいころ
Translation eng high time ; about time

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 臨產 Simplified 临产
Pinyin lin2 chan3
English to face childbirth ; about to give birth ; refers esp . to the onset of regular contractions

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 行將 Simplified 行将
Pinyin xing2 jiang1
English ready to start on sth ; about to act

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 行將結束 Simplified 行将结束
Pinyin xing2 jiang1 jie2 shu4
English approaching the end ; about to conclude

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 關乎 Simplified 关乎
Pinyin guan1 hu1
English to relate to ; concerning ; about

JMnedict 200217
Reading アブー Romaji About

JMnedict 100319
Word 安房峠
Reading あぼうとうげ Romaji Aboutouge

JMnedict 200217
Word 安房峠
Reading あぼうとうげ Romaji Aboutouge

JMdict 100319
Word 一変
Reading いっぺん
Translation eng complete change ; about-face Translation ger vollständige Veränderung

JMdict 100319
Word 転向
Reading てんこう
Translation eng conversion ; shift ; about-face ; switch Translation ger Wendung ; Umkehrung ; Bekehrung ; Konversion ; Aufgabe ; ( einer Überzeugung ) ; Meinungswechsel Translation rus поворот ; ( перен .) перелом

JMdict 100319
Word 達する
Reading たっする
Translation eng to reach ; to get to Translation ger erreichen ; erlangen ; ankündigen ; bekannt machen ; ankommen ; gelangen ; sich erstrecken ; betragen Translation fre aboutir ; arriver à ; parvenir à Translation rus достига́ть

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin gui1 Reading On Reading Kun かえ .る ; かえ .す ; おく .る ; とつ .ぐ Reading Korean gwi ; gwe Reading Korean ;
Meaning homecoming ; arrive at ; lead to ; result in Meaning fr retour à la maison ; arriver à ; mener à ; aboutir à ; renvoyer Meaning es regreso ; vuelta ; retorno ; regresar ; volver Meaning pt Retôrno a casa ; chegar em ; conduzir-se ; resultar

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