Unicode 5.2
Character Definition already ; finished ; stop
Pinyin YI3 Jyutping ji5 On I Kun SUDENI YAMU NOMI Hangul Korean I Tang *iə̌ Viet
Karlgren: Analytic Dictionary of Chinese and Sino- 179

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ashamed , humiliated ; shameful
Pinyin CAN2 Jyutping caam4 On ZAN Kun HAJIRU HAJI Hangul Korean CHAM Tang dzhɑm Viet tuồm
Simplified U+60ED
Lau: A Practical Cantonese-English Dictionary, 197 179

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition peony ; water chestnuts
Pinyin SHAO2 XIAO4 QUE4 SHUO4 DI4 Jyutping coek3 zoek3 On SHAKU Kun KUROKUWAI HASUNOMI Hangul Korean CAK CEK Viet thược
Cowles: A Pocket Dictionary of Cantonese, 1999 179

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition follow in , imitate ; rut , path
Pinyin CHAN2 ZHAN4 Jyutping cin4 On TEN Kun FUMU Hangul Korean CEN Tang djhiɛn
Mathews: Chinese-English Dictionary 179

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition ugly looking , homely ; disgraceful
Pinyin CHOU3 Jyutping cau2 On SHUU Kun MINIKUI NIKUMU TAGUI Hangul Korean CHWU Tang chiǒu Viet xấu
Simplified U+4E11
Meyer, Wempe: Student's Cantonese-English Dictiona 179

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition a small jar ; to bear a burden ; a load of two
Pinyin DAN1 Jyutping daam1 On TAN SEN ZEN Kun NINAU NITAI KOGAME Hangul Korean TAM
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 179

Unicode 5.2
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 179

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition curtain
Pinyin CHAN1 CHAN4 Jyutping cim1 zim1 On SEN Kun TOBARI HORO TACHIKIRERU Hangul Korean CHEM
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 179

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition peace
Pinyin DAN4 Jyutping daam6 On TAN Kun YASURAKA SADAMARU SHIZUKA Hangul Korean TAM
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 179

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition carry , bear , undertake
Pinyin DAN4 DAN1 DAN3 QIE4 Jyutping daam1 On TAN Kun NINAU KATSUGU Hangul Korean TAN Viet đam đảm đẵn đắn đẵm tạ
Traditional U+64D4

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition carry , bear , undertake
Pinyin DAN1 DAN4 Jyutping daam1 daam3 On TAN KETSU SEN Kun NINAU KATSUGU OU Hangul Korean TAM
Simplified U+62C5
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 179

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition eaves of house ; brim , rim
Pinyin YAN2 DAN1 Jyutping gim2 jam4 jim4 On EN TAN Kun HISASHI Hangul Korean CHEM Tang *iɛm
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 179

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition calm , quiet , tranquil
Pinyin DAN4 DAN2 SHAN4 TAN2 DAN1 Jyutping daam6 taam4 On TAN SEN Kun AWAI Hangul Korean TAM Tang *dhɑ̀m *dhɑ̌m
Variant U+6DE1
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 179

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition big jar
Pinyin DAN1 Jyutping daam1
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 179

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition look ; look out for ; respect
Pinyin ZHAN1 Jyutping zim1 On SEN Kun MIRU Hangul Korean CHEM Tang jiɛm Viet chiêm
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 179

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition eaves of house ; brim
Pinyin YAN2 Jyutping jam4 jim4 sim4 On EN TAN Kun HISASHI Hangul Korean CHEM Tang *iɛm
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 179

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition gall bladder ; bravery , courage
Pinyin DAN3 TAN2 TAN3 DA2 Jyutping daam2 On TAN DAN Kun KIMO Hangul Korean TAN Viet đảm
Traditional U+81BD

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition gall bladder ; bravery , courage
Pinyin DAN3 Jyutping daam2 On TAN Kun KIMO Hangul Korean TAM Tang dɑ̌m Viet đảm
Simplified U+80C6
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 179

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition toad
Pinyin CHAN2 Jyutping sim4 On SEN Kun HIKIGAERU Hangul Korean SEM Tang zhiɛm
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 179

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition flutter ; shaking or vibrating
Pinyin CHAN1 Jyutping lim5 sim4 zim1 On SEN TAN Kun MAEKAKE Hangul Korean CHEM
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 179

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition surname ; talk too much , verbose
Pinyin ZHAN1 SHAN4 DAN4 Jyutping zim1 On SEN TAN DAN Hangul Korean CHEM
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 179

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition talkative ; incoherent talk
Pinyin ZHAN1 Jyutping zim1 On SEN TOU Kun TAWAGOTO Hangul Korean SEM
Simplified U+8C35
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 179

Unicode 5.2
Character Definition support , aid ; to be sufficient ; rich , elegant
Pinyin SHAN4 DAN4 Jyutping sim6 sin6 On SEN ZEN Kun SUKUU TARIRU Hangul Korean SEM Viet thiệm
Simplified U+8D61
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 179

Unicode 5.2
Character 𠓏
Phonetic Index (from Ten Thousand Characters) 179

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 一百七十九 Simplified 一百七十九
Pinyin yi1 bai3 qi1 shi2 jiu3
Deutsch 179 ( hundertneunundsiebzig ) (u.E.)

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin yun4 Reading On ウン Reading Kun はこ .ぶ Reading Korean un Reading Korean
Meaning carry ; luck ; destiny ; fate ; lot ; transport ; progress ; advance Meaning fr porter ; chance ; destin ; destinée ; sort ; progrès Meaning es suerte ; destino ; transportar Meaning pt carregar ; sorte ; destino ; objetivo ; transportar ; progresso ; avanço
Dictionary dr_gakken 179

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin yan2 Reading On ガン Reading Kun かお Reading Korean an Reading Korean
Meaning face ; expression Meaning fr visage ; expression Meaning es cara ; faz ; semblante ; rostro ; expresión Meaning pt rosto ; expressão
Dictionary dr_sakade 179

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin jiao4 ; jiao1 Reading On キョウ Reading Kun おし . える ; おそ . わる Nanori のり ; ひさ Reading Korean gyo Reading Korean
Meaning teach ; faith ; doctrine Meaning fr enseigner ; foi ; doctrine Meaning es educación ; enseñanza ; enseñar ; instruir ; ser enseñado Meaning pt ensinar ; ; doutrina
Dictionary dr_jf_cards 179

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin kong3 Reading On コウ Reading Kun あな Nanori のり Reading Korean gong Reading Korean
Meaning cavity ; hole ; slit ; very ; great ; exceedingly Meaning fr cavité ; trou ; fente ; très ; grand ; extrêmement Meaning es cavidad ; agujero ; raja ; grieta Meaning pt Cavidade ; buraco ; fenda ; muito ; grande ; excessivamente
Dictionary dr_halpern_njecd 179

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin gong1 Reading On コウ Reading Kun せ. める Nanori おさむ Reading Korean gong Reading Korean
Meaning aggression ; attack Meaning fr agression ; attaque Meaning es agresión ; ataque ; asalto ; agredir ; atacar ; asaltar Meaning pt agressão ; ataque
Dictionary dr_halpern_kkld 179

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin zi1 Reading On Nanori すけ ; もと Reading Korean ja Reading Korean
Meaning assets ; resources ; capital ; funds ; data ; be conducive to ; contribute to Meaning fr capital ( argent ) ; fonds ; actifs ; ressources ; données ; favorable à ; contribuer à Meaning es recurso ; capital ; naturaleza ; posición social Meaning pt bens ; recursos ; capital ; fundos ; dados ; se levado a ; contribuir para
Miscellaneous Frequency 179

KanjiDic2 100402
Literal 宿
Reading Pinyin su4 ; xiu3 ; xiu4 Reading On シュク Reading Kun やど ; やど .る ; やど .す Nanori すく ; ぶすき ; やけ Reading Korean sug ; su Reading Korean ;
Meaning inn ; lodging ; relay station ; dwell ; lodge ; be pregnant ; home ; dwelling Meaning fr auberge ; logement ; séjourner ; relais ( de poste , station ) ; porter en soi ( virus , enfant ) ; être enceinte ; habiter ; habitation Meaning es posada ; alojamiento ; hostal ; hospedar ; concebir un hijo Meaning pt pousada ; alojamento ; estação de retransmissor ; moradia ; estar grávida ; casa ; residência
Dictionary dr_sh_kk 179

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin chun1 Reading On シュン Reading Kun はる Nanori あずま ; かす ; すの ; ひ ; わら Reading Korean chun Reading Korean
Meaning springtime ; spring ( season ) Meaning fr printemps Meaning es primavera ; comienzo del año ; tiempos de juventud Meaning pt primaveril ; primavera ( estação )
Dictionary dr_tutt_cards 179

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin qie1 ; qie4 Reading On セツ ; サイ Reading Kun き.る ; -き .る ; き.り ; -き .り ; -ぎ .り ; き. れる ; -き . れる ; き.れ ; -き .れ ; -ぎ .れ Nanori きつ ; きり ; ぎり Reading Korean jeol ; che Reading Korean ;
Meaning cut ; cutoff ; be sharp Meaning fr couper ; trancher ; tranchant ; passionné ; sérieux Meaning es cortar ; urgente ; apremiante ; completo ; cortar bien ; agotarse Meaning pt corte ; talho ; afiar
Dictionary dr_kodansha_compact 179

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin zou3 Reading On ソウ Reading Kun はし .る Nanori はしり Reading Korean ju Reading Korean
Meaning run Meaning fr courir Meaning es correr ; escapar ; huir Meaning pt Correr ; corrida
Dictionary dr_henshall3 179

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin dian3 Reading On テン Reading Kun つ. ける ; つ.く ; た. てる ; さ.す ; とぼ .す ; とも .す ; ぼち Reading Korean jeom Reading Korean
Meaning spot ; point ; mark ; speck ; decimal point Meaning fr point ; note ; allumer ; virgule ( décimales ) Meaning es punto ; marca Meaning pt ponto ; marca ; ponto decimal
Dictionary dr_henshall 179

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin wen2 ; wen4 Reading On ブン ; モン Reading Kun き.く ; き. こえる Reading Korean mun Reading Korean
Meaning hear ; ask ; listen Meaning fr entendre ; écouter ; demander Meaning es preguntar ; escuchar ; rumor ; reputación ; oír Meaning pt escutar ; perguntar ; escuta
Dictionary dr_kanji_in_context 179

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin bian1 Reading On ヘン Reading Kun あた .り ; ほと .り ; -べ Nanori なべ Reading Korean byeon Reading Korean
Meaning environs ; boundary ; border ; vicinity Meaning fr environs ; frontière ; voisinage Meaning es alrededores ; límites ; vecindad Meaning pt arredores ; limite ; borda ; vizinhança
Dictionary dr_oneill_names 179

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin mai2 ; man2 Reading On マイ Reading Kun う. める ; う. まる ; う. もれる ; うず . める ; うず . まる ; い. ける Reading Korean mae Reading Korean
Meaning bury ; be filled up ; embedded Meaning fr enterrer ; être rempli ; enfoncé Meaning es enterrado ; relleno ; incrustado ; ser enterrado ; ser rellenado ; enterrar ; rellenar ; incrustar Meaning pt enterrar ; ocupar-se ; embutido
Dictionary dr_heisig 179

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin wei4 Reading On ミ ; ビ Reading Kun いま .だ ; ま.だ ; ひつじ Reading Korean mi Reading Korean
Meaning un- ; not yet ; hitherto ; still ; even now ; sign of the ram ; 1-3PM ; eighth sign of Chinese zodiac Meaning fr non- ; encore ; pas encore ; jusqu'ici ; même maintenant ; signe de la 8ème branche terrestre ; signe du Mouton ( zodiaque ) ; 13 à 15 heures Meaning es aún no ; todavía ; hasta ahora Meaning pt já- ; não ainda ; até aqui ; ainda ; até mesmo agora
Dictionary dr_nelson_c 179

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin wu2 ; mo2 Reading On ム ; ブ Reading Kun な.い Reading Korean mu Reading Korean
Meaning nothingness ; none ; ain't ; nothing ; nil ; not Meaning fr néant ; rien ; ne pas ; non ; in- ; négatif Meaning es nada ; inexistente ; prefijo negativo ; no hay Meaning pt Sem valor ; nada ; não sou/ estou ; nihil ; não
Dictionary dr_crowley 179

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin xie2 ; ye4 ; she4 Reading On ヨウ Reading Kun Nanori よ ; わ Reading Korean yeob ; seob Reading Korean ;
Meaning leaf ; plane ; lobe ; needle ; blade ; spear ; counter for flat things ; fragment ; piece Meaning fr feuille ; lobe ; aiguille ; brin ( herbe ) ; fragment ; compteur d'objets plats Meaning es hoja ; contador de cosas planas ; follaje Meaning pt folha ; avião ; ponta ; agulha ; lâmina ; lança ; sufixo p/ contagem de coisas chatas
Dictionary dr_oneill_kk 179

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin liang4 ; liang2 Reading On リョウ Reading Kun はか .る Nanori かず Reading Korean ryang Reading Korean
Meaning quantity ; measure ; weight ; amount ; consider ; estimate ; surmise Meaning fr quantité ; mesure ; poids ; étudier ( situation ) ; estimation ; conjecture Meaning es cantidad ; medida ; medir ; pesar ; sondear Meaning pt quantidade ; medida ; peso ; quantia
Dictionary dr_maniette 179

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin jiu3 Reading On キュウ ; ク Reading Korean gu Reading Korean
Meaning leek radical ( no . 179 )
Radical Classical 179

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin ji1 Reading On セイ ; サイ Reading Kun あえもの ; なます ; あ. える Reading Korean je Reading Korean
Meaning dress ( salad ) vegetables
Radical Classical 179

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin huai2 Reading On カイ ; エ Reading Kun さまよ .う Reading Korean hoe
Meaning hesitate ; go around
Dictionary dr_nelson_n 179

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin xian1 Reading On セン Reading Kun やまにら
Meaning wild onions or leeks
Radical Classical 179

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin xian1 Reading On セン Reading Kun やまにら Reading Korean seom
Meaning wild onions or leeks
Radical Classical 179

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition already ; finished ; stop
Pinyin Jyutping ji5 On I Kun SUDENI YAMU NOMI Hangul : 0E Korean I Tang *iə̌ Viet
Karlgren: Analytic Dictionary of Chinese and Sino- 179

Unicode 12.1
Character Definition ashamed , humiliated ; shameful
Pinyin cán Jyutping caam4 On ZAN Kun HAJIRU HAJI Hangul : 1N Korean CHAM Tang dzhɑm Viet tuồm
Simplified U+60ED
Lau: A Practical Cantonese-English Dictionary, 197 179

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