JMdict 100319
Reading たらたら
Translation eng drop-by-drop ; dribbling ; in a trickle ; incessantly ; in great profusion Translation ger tropfend ; überströmt ; ständig etw . Unangenehmes sagend Translation fre goutte à goutte

JMdict 100319
Reading だらだら
Translation eng pouring liquid ; prevaricating ; long , gentle slope ; sluggishly ; endlessly Translation ger tropfend ; sich hinziehend ; träge ; indolent ; flach ; ( ein Hang ) ; schlampig ; nachlässig Translation fre lentement ; mollement ; sans ardeur

JMdict 100319
Reading ぽたぽた
Translation eng dripping water Translation ger tropfend fallend Translation fre eau qui coule

JMdict 100319
Reading ぽつぽつ
Translation eng bit by bit ; piece by piece ; spots ; pimples Translation ger in Tropfen ; tropfend

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Reading ぽとぽと
Translation eng trickle down in thick drops Translation ger tropfend

JMdict 100319

JMdict 200217
Reading たらたら ; タラタラ
Translation spa gota a gota
Translation eng drop-by-drop ; dripping ; dribbling ; in a trickle ; incessantly ( esp . speaking , e.g. complaints , compliments ) ; in great profusion Translation ger tropfend ; überströmt ; ständig etw . Unangenehmes sagend Translation fre goutte à goutte Translation rus 1) ( ономат .:) ; 2) ( см .) …たらだら

JMdict 200217
Reading ポタリ ; ぽたり
Translation hun csepegés ; csorgó ; csurgókő ; ellenszenves ember ; eresz ; eszterhéj ; használhatatlan hapsi ; lecsepegés ; málé ; párta ; tesze-tosza ; unalmas alak
Translation eng drip ; fall drop-by-drop ; suddenly ( of drops of water ) Translation ger tropfend Translation rus ( ономат .:)

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