JMdict 100319
Word ぶっきら棒
Reading ぶっきらぼう
Translation eng curt ; blunt ; brusque Translation ger ( ugs .) ; Grobheit ; Schroffheit Translation fre brusque

JMdict 100319
Word 鈍器
Reading どんき
Translation eng blunt weapon Translation ger stumpfer Gegenstand ; ( als Waffe benutzt ) Translation fre objet contondant Translation rus тупо́е ору́жие

JMdict 100319
Reading けんもほろろ
Translation eng curt ; blunt ; brusque Translation ger Schroffheit ; Harschheit ; Brüskheit

JMdict 100319
Word 突慳貪 ; 突っ慳貪
Reading つっけんどん
Translation eng blunt ; curt ; brusque Translation ger barscher Ton ; Direktheit ; Unverblümtheit

JMdict 100319
Reading なまくら
Translation eng blunt (e.g. sword ) ; dull ; lazy ; cowardly ; good for nothing Translation ger stumpfes Schwert ; etw . Stumpfes ; Taugenichts ; Feigling

JMdict 100319
Word 素気無い ; 素気ない
Reading すげない
Translation eng curt ; blunt ; cold ; short
Crossref 素っ気ない

CEDict 100318
Traditional 不客氣 Simplified 不客气
Pinyin bu4 ke4 qi5
English you're welcome ; impolite ; rude ; blunt ; don't mention it

CEDict 100318
Traditional 乾脆 Simplified 干脆
Pinyin gan1 cui4
English straightforward ; clear-cut ; blunt (e.g. statement ) ; you might as well ; simply

CEDict 100318
Traditional 坦率 Simplified 坦率
Pinyin tan3 shuai4
English frank ( discussion ) ; blunt ; open

CEDict 100318
Traditional 思想頑鈍 Simplified 思想顽钝
Pinyin si1 xiang3 wan2 dun4
English blunt thinking ; apathy

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin chun3
English blunt ; stupid ; to wiggle ( of worms )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 梗直 Simplified 梗直
Pinyin geng3 zhi2
English blunt ( speech ) ; frank ; honest and outspoken

CEDict 100318
Traditional 淺露 Simplified 浅露
Pinyin qian3 lu4
English blunt ; direct (i.e. not tactful )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 率直 Simplified 率直
Pinyin shuai4 zhi2
English frank ; straightforward ; blunt

CEDict 100318
Traditional 直白 Simplified 直白
Pinyin zhi2 bai2
English frank ; open ; blunt

CEDict 100318
Traditional 禿 Simplified
Pinyin tu1
English bald ; blunt

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin gen3
English blunt ; tough ; chewy

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin chun3
English blunt ; stupid ; to wiggle ( of worms ) ; sluggish

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin dun4
English blunt ; stupid

CEDict 100318
Traditional 頑鈍 Simplified 顽钝
Pinyin wan2 dun4
English blunt ( instrument ) ; stupid ; thick-headed

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin geng3
English blunt ; fish bones ; unyielding

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin geng3
English blunt ; fish bones ; unyielding

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin dun4 Reading On ドン Reading Kun にぶ .い ; にぶ .る ; にぶ- ; なま .る ; なまく .ら Reading Korean dun Reading Korean
Meaning dull ; slow ; foolish ; blunt Meaning fr émoussé ; lent ; bête Meaning es torpe ; pesado ; embotado ; obtuso ; embotarse ; atascarse Meaning pt tolo ; lento ; estúpido ; embotado ; sem corte

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin geng3 Reading On コウ ; キョウ Reading Kun みだ .す
Meaning fish bones ; things that stick in the throat ; unyielding ; blunt of speech

JMdict 200217
Word ぶっきら棒
Reading ぶっきらぼう
Translation dut bruusk ; bits ; nors ; stroef ; bars ; stuurs ; stug ; bot ; kortaf ; bruuskheid ; bitsheid ; norsheid ; stroefheid ; barsheid ; stuursheid ; stugheid ; botheid ; het kortaf zijn Translation hun kurta ; rövid ; udvariatlan ; buta ; eltompult
Translation eng curt ; blunt ; brusque Translation ger Grobheit ; Schroffheit ; barsch ; unwirsch Translation fre brusque

JMdict 200217
Word 鈍器
Reading どんき
Translation dut stomp wapen ; bot instrument
Translation eng blunt weapon Translation ger stumpfer Gegenstand ; stumpfe Waffe ; stumpfe Schneide ; stumpfe Klinge Translation fre objet contondant Translation rus тупое орудие

JMdict 200217
Word むき出し ; 剥き出し ; 剝き出し
Reading むきだし
Translation dut bloot ; naakt ; onbedekt ; openhartig ; eerlijk ; openlijk ; oprecht ; rondborstig ; ongezouten ; onomwonden ; onverbloemd ; onverholen ; onverheeld ; onbedekt ; onbewimpeld ; openhartig ; eerlijk ; openlijk ; zonder er doekjes om te winden ; oprecht ; rondborstig ; ongezouten ; onomwonden ; onverbloemd ; onverholen ; onverheeld ; onbedekt ; onbewimpeld ; ronduit ; rechtuit ; rechtdoorzee ; recht voor z'n raap Translation hun becsületesség ; egyenesség ; őszinteség
Translation eng naked ; bare ; uncovered ; frank ; open ; blunt Translation ger Nacktheit ; Entblößung ; Offenheit ; Ungeschminktheit ; Unverpacktheit ; nackt ; entblößt ; ausgezogen ; entkleidet ; hüllenlos ; offen ; frank und frei ; freimütig ; rückhaltlos ; ungeschminkt ; unverpackt ; unverblümt ; offen ; unverhohlen ; gerade heraus ; ohne Zurückhaltung Translation rus голый ; в открытом виде ; открытый , откровенный , прямой ; открыто , прямо , без обиняков ; без прикрас ; 1): {~の} голый ; в открытом виде ; открывать , выставлять напоказ {~にする} ; быть быть выставленным напоказ , открытым для обозрения {~になっている} ; 2) ( перен .:) ; открытый , откровенный , прямой {~の} ; открыто , прямо , без без обиняков ; прикрас {~に}

JMdict 200217
Word 直球
Reading ちょっきゅう ; ちょくきゅう
Translation eng straight ball ( pitch ) ; direct (e.g. question ) ; blunt Translation ger ein Straight ; Direktheit
Crossref 変化球

JMdict 200217
Word 鈍い
Reading にぶい
Translation dut bot ; stomp ; afgestompt ; traag {van handelen ; begrip enz .} ; sloom ; langzaam ; stompzinnig ; dom ; suf ; inert ; dof {van geluid ; licht} ; mat Translation hun buta ; fakó ; tompa ; unalmas ; lassú ; ostoba ; hülye ; kábult Translation slv top {rezilo} ; počasen ( miselno ) ; butast Translation spa insensible Translation swe slö ; långsam ; dum
Translation eng dull (e.g. a knife ) ; blunt ; thickheaded ; obtuse ; stupid ; dull ( sound , color , etc .) ; dim ( light ) ; slow ; sluggish ; inert ; lethargic ; insensitive ; dull (e.g. reflexes ) ; unperceptive ; unfeeling Translation ger stumpf ; glanzlos ; matt ; träge ; schwerfällig ; dumpf ; empfindungslos ; dickfellig ; dickhäutig ; schwach ; trüb ; blass Translation fre émoussé ; lourd ; obtus ; borné ; stupide ; bête ; terne ; ( bruit ) sourd ; ( lumière ) faible ; lent ; apathique ; mou ; inerte ; léthargique ; indulgent ( surtout envers le sexe opposé ) ; gâteux ; radoteur Translation rus ( прям . и перен .) тупой ; тусклый (о (о свете ); глухой звуке )

JMdict 200217
Reading けんもほろろ ; けんもほろほろ
Translation hun kurta ; rövid ; udvariatlan ; buta ; eltompult
Translation eng curt ; blunt ; brusque Translation ger schroff ; harsch ; abweisend ; brüsk

JMdict 200217
Word 素気ない ; 素気無い
Reading すげない
Translation spa frío ; indiferente ; apático ; indolente ; poco amable ; rudo ; brusco ; breve ; seco ; lacónico
Translation eng curt ; blunt ; cold ; short Translation ger schroff ; kalt ; eisig ; kurz angebunden Translation rus холодный , сухой
Crossref 素っ気ない

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin dun4 Reading On ドン Reading Kun にぶ .い ; にぶ .る ; にぶ- ; なま .る ; なまく .ら Reading Korean dun Reading Korean
Meaning dull ; slow ; foolish ; blunt Meaning fr émoussé ; lent ; bête Meaning es torpe ; pesado ; embotado ; obtuso ; embotarse ; atascarse Meaning pt tolo ; lento ; estúpido ; embotado ; sem corte

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin geng3 Reading On コウ ; キョウ Reading Kun みだ .す
Meaning fish bones ; things that stick in the throat ; unyielding ; blunt of speech

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 不客氣 Simplified 不客气
Pinyin bu4 ke4 qi5
English you're welcome ; don't mention it ; impolite ; rude ; blunt

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 乾脆 Simplified 干脆
Pinyin gan1 cui4
English straightforward ; clear-cut ; blunt (e.g. statement ) ; you might as well ; simply

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin yi4
English ( literary ) toilsome ; laborious ; ( of an edge etc ) worn out ; blunt

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 坦率 Simplified 坦率
Pinyin tan3 shuai4
English frank ( discussion ) ; blunt ; open

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 思想頑鈍 Simplified 思想顽钝
Pinyin si1 xiang3 wan2 dun4
English blunt thinking ; apathy

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 淺露 Simplified 浅露
Pinyin qian3 lu4
English blunt ; direct (i.e. not tactful )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 率直 Simplified 率直
Pinyin shuai4 zhi2
English frank ; straightforward ; blunt

Records 1 - 50 of 75 retrieved in 972 ms