CEDict 100318

CEDict 100318
Traditional 次序 Simplified 次序
Pinyin ci4 xu4
English sequence ; order

CEDict 100318
Traditional 次第 Simplified 次第
Pinyin ci4 di4
English order ; sequence ; one after another

CEDict 100318
Traditional 流程 Simplified 流程
Pinyin liu2 cheng2
English course ; stream ; sequence of processes ; work flow in manufacturing

CEDict 100318

CEDict 100318
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin cheng2
English rule ; order ; regulations ; formula ; journey ; procedure ; sequence ; surname Cheng

CEDict 100318
Traditional 程序 Simplified 程序
Pinyin cheng2 xu4
English procedures ; sequence ; order ; computer program

CEDict 100318
Traditional 航次 Simplified 航次
Pinyin hang2 ci4
English flight number ; number of scheduled sailing ; sequence of air or sea voyages

CEDict 100318
Traditional 順序 Simplified 顺序
Pinyin shun4 xu4
English sequence ; order

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin ci4 Reading On ジ ; シ Reading Kun つ.ぐ ; つぎ Nanori き ; すき ; つぐ ; よし Reading Korean cha Reading Korean
Meaning next ; order ; sequence Meaning fr suivant ; ordre ; successivement Meaning es siguiente ; seguir Meaning pt próximo ; pedido ; seqüência

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin yi2 ; ti2 Reading On テイ ; ダイ ; イ Reading Kun つばな
Meaning sequence ; number ; grade ; degree

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin luo2 Reading On ラ ; ラン ; レン Reading Kun み.る
Meaning to look about ; order ; sequence ; complicated thought which is not easy to express

JMdict 200217
Word 経緯
Reading いきさつ ; けいい ; たてぬき ; たてよこ
Translation dut situatie ; omstandigheden ; toestand ; details ; bijzonderheden ; ontwikkelingen ; loop van de gebeurtenissen ; schering en inslag ; lengtedraad en breedtedraad ; noord-zuidrichting en oost-westrichting ; ( geografische ) lengte en breedte ; longitude en latitude ; het lang en het breed ; fijne kneepjes ; finesses ; details ; bijzonderheden ; bestuur ; beheer ; bewindvoering Translation hun pozíció Translation spa vicisitudes ; circunstancias ; eventualidades
Translation eng warp and weft ; warp and woof ; details ; particulars ; whole story ; sequence of events ; chronology ; circumstances ; how it started ; how things got this way ; longitude and latitude Translation ger Verwicklungen ; Schwierigkeit ; Verwirrung ; die näheren Umstände ; das Nähere ; die nähere Auskunft ; Einzelheiten ; Kette und Schuss ; Kett- und Schussfäden ; Länge und Breite ; Längenkreis und Breitenkreis ; Längen- und Breitengrad ; Länge und Breite ; Kett- und Schussfaden ( von Webstoff ) ; Kette und Schuss ; Einzelheiten ; Details ; nähere Umstände ; genaue Sachlage ; Verhältnisse ; Detail ; Grundordnung ; Grundregel ; Kette und Schuss ; Kettfäden und Schusseintrag Translation fre historique ; le cours des choses ; les circonstances ; position ( angle , degrés ) Translation rus 1) осложнения , неприятности ; 2) положение дел ; 1) основа и уток ( ткани ) ; 2) продольные и поперечные линии ; ( геогр .) долгота и широта ; меридианы и параллели ; 3) ( перен .) частности , подробности ; ход , история ( дела и т. п.); процесс ; 4) ( перен .) практика , прецедент , пример
Crossref 縦横・たてよこ・4

JMdict 200217
Word 数列
Reading すうれつ
Translation dut rij {wisk .} ; reeks ; verschillende ; meerdere rijen Translation hun folytatás ; matematikai sorozat Translation swe progression
Translation eng progression ; sequence Translation ger Zahlenfolge ; Folge ; einige Reihen Translation rus 1) несколько рядов , несколько линий ; 2) ( мат .) прогрессия

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 立て続け ; たて続け ; 立てつづけ
Reading たてつづけ
Translation dut opeenvolging ; serie ; reeks Translation hun következés ; örökösök ; utódlás ; utódok Translation slv nadaljevanje ; nasledstvo ; podaljšek Translation swe arvföljd
Translation eng succession ; continuation ; series ; sequence Translation ger Folge ; Serie Translation fre à la suite ; consécutif ; ininterrompu ; successif Translation rus : {~に} подряд , без перерыва ; в один присест

JMdict 200217
Word 序次
Reading じょじ
Translation hun érdemrend ; megrendelés ; parancs ; sorrend ; utasítás ; filmjelenet ; képsor ; következés ; sorozat ; szekvencia Translation spa orden ; secuencia
Translation eng order ; sequence Translation ger Ordnung ; Folge Translation rus ( кн .) порядок , последовательность

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 一続き ; ひと続き
Reading ひとつづき
Translation dut een reeks … ; een serie … ; een aaneenschakeling … ; reeks ; serie ; aaneengeschakeld geheel ; aaneenschakeling Translation spa una cadena ( de ) ; una serie ( de )
Translation eng chain ( of ) ; series ( of ) ; sequence ; suite (e.g. of rooms )

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin ci4 Reading On ジ ; シ Reading Kun つ.ぐ ; つぎ Nanori き ; すき ; つぐ ; よし Reading Korean cha Reading Korean
Meaning next ; order ; sequence Meaning fr suivant ; ordre ; successivement Meaning es siguiente ; seguir Meaning pt próximo ; pedido ; seqüência

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin yi2 ; ti2 Reading On テイ ; ダイ ; イ Reading Kun つばな
Meaning sequence ; number ; grade ; degree

KanjiDic2 200217
Reading Pinyin luo2 Reading On ラ ; ラン ; レン Reading Kun み.る
Meaning to look about ; order ; sequence ; complicated thought which is not easy to express

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 套路 Simplified 套路
Pinyin tao4 lu4
English sequence of movements in martial arts ; routine ; pattern ; standard method

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin xu4
English order ; sequence ; preface

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 序列 Simplified 序列
Pinyin xu4 lie4
English sequence

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 序號 Simplified 序号
Pinyin xu4 hao4
English ordinal number ; serial number ; sequence number

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 數列 Simplified 数列
Pinyin shu4 lie4
English sequence of numbers ; numerical series

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 文庫 Simplified 文库
Pinyin wen2 ku4
English collection of documents ; library ; book series ; sequence of data , esp . genome

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 條貫 Simplified 条贯
Pinyin tiao2 guan4
English system ; sequence ; order ; procedures

CC-CEDict 200217

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 次序 Simplified 次序
Pinyin ci4 xu4
English sequence ; order

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 次第 Simplified 次第
Pinyin ci4 di4
English order ; sequence ; one after another

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 流程 Simplified 流程
Pinyin liu2 cheng2
English course ; stream ; sequence of processes ; work flow in manufacturing

CC-CEDict 200217

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional Simplified
Pinyin cheng2
English rule ; order ; regulations ; formula ; journey ; procedure ; sequence

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 程序 Simplified 程序
Pinyin cheng2 xu4
English procedures ; sequence ; order ; computer program

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 順序 Simplified 顺序
Pinyin shun4 xu4
English sequence ; order

JMdict 200217
Word 順序列型
Reading じゅんじょれつがた
Translation eng sequence type

JMdict 200217
Word 順番検査
Reading じゅんばんけんさ
Translation eng sequence check

JMdict 200217
Word 順番列
Reading じゅんばんれつ
Translation eng sequence

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