JMdict 100319
Word 悪しからず ; 不悪
Reading あしからず
Translation eng don't get me wrong , but ... ; I'm sorry Translation ger "Nehmen Sie es bitte nicht übel!" Translation fre désolé mais ... ; ne m'en veuillez pas mais ...

JMdict 100319
Word 参った
Reading まいった
Translation eng I'm beaten ; I give up
Crossref 参る

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 申し兼ねる
Reading もうしかねる
Translation eng I'm sorry to trouble you ; Excuse me for making such a request Translation ger zögern zu sagen

JMdict 100319
Word 申し難い
Reading もうしにくい
Translation eng I'm sorry to trouble you

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 申し訳ない ; 申し訳無い ; 申しわけない
Reading もうしわけない
Translation eng I'm sorry ; ( it's ) inexcusable ; thank you very much ( for help , etc .) Translation ger {Bsp .} Es tut mir sehr leid! Translation fre inexcusable

JMdict 100319
Word 腹減った
Reading はらへった
Translation eng I'm hungry

JMdict 100319

CEDict 100318
Traditional 對不住 Simplified 对不住
Pinyin dui4 bu4 zhu4
English to let sb down ; to be unfair ; I'm sorry ; pardon me ( formal )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 對不起 Simplified 对不起
Pinyin dui4 bu5 qi3
English unworthy ; to let down ; I'm sorry ; excuse me ; pardon me ; if you please ; sorry? ( please repeat )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 恐怕 Simplified 恐怕
Pinyin kong3 pa4
English fear ; to dread ; I'm afraid that ... ; perhaps ; maybe

JMdict 200217
Word 参った
Reading まいった
Translation dut ik geef op ; ik geef me over ; budo} maitta {m .b.t. Translation spa ¡me rindo! ; voz de abandono ( judo )
Translation eng I'm beaten ; I give up
Crossref 参る・2

JMdict 200217
Word 失礼しました
Reading しつれいしました
Translation dut excuseer ; neem (t) (u) mij niet kwalijk ; pardon ; sorry ; het spijt me ; bedankt voor je tijd ; sorry voor het storen ; tot ziens dan maar
Translation eng excuse me ; I'm sorry Translation fre excusez-moi ; je suis désolé

JMdict 200217
Word 申しにくい ; 申し難い
Reading もうしにくい
Translation eng I'm sorry to trouble you Translation rus ( см .) もうしかねる

JMdict 200217

JMdict 200217
Word 腹減った
Reading はらへった
Translation spa tengo hambre Translation swe hungrig
Translation eng I'm hungry

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 對不住 Simplified 对不住
Pinyin dui4 bu5 zhu4
English to let sb down ; to be unfair ; I'm sorry ; pardon me ( formal )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 對不起 Simplified 对不起
Pinyin dui4 bu5 qi3
English unworthy ; to let down ; I'm sorry ; excuse me ; pardon me ; if you please ; sorry? ( please repeat )

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 後會有期 Simplified 后会有期
Pinyin hou4 hui4 you3 qi1
English I'm sure we'll meet again some day . ( idiom ) ; Hope to see you again .

JMdict 200217
Word 案内申
Reading あんないもう
Translation spa petición de anuncio de visita ; ruego que anuncie mi visita
Translation eng I'm calling! ; I've come! ; may I come in?

Records 1 - 50 of 65 retrieved in 1826 ms