JMdict 100319
Word 不退転
Reading ふたいてん
Translation eng determination ; conviction Translation ger ( schriftspr .) ; Unwiderrufbarkeit

JMdict 100319
Word 志気
Reading しき
Translation eng determination ; esprit de corps Translation ger Entschlossenheit ; Wille ; Schwung

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 踏ん切り
Reading ふんぎり
Translation eng determination ; decision

CEDict 100318
Traditional 判定 Simplified 判定
Pinyin pan4 ding4
English judge ; decide ; judgment ; determination

CEDict 100318
Traditional 意志 Simplified 意志
Pinyin yi4 zhi4
English will ; willpower ; determination

CEDict 100318
Traditional 檢定 Simplified 检定
Pinyin jian3 ding4
English a test ; determination ; to check up on ; to examine ; to assay

CEDict 100318
Traditional 決心 Simplified 决心
Pinyin jue2 xin1
English determination ; resolution ; determined ; firm and resolute ; to make up one's mind

CEDict 100318
Traditional 覈定 Simplified 核定
Pinyin he2 ding4
English to audit and determine ; to check and ratify ; to appraise and decide ; determination ; on a deemed basis ( taxation ) ; to deem

CEDict 100318
Traditional 認定 Simplified 认定
Pinyin ren4 ding4
English to maintain ( that sth is true ) ; to determine (a fact ) ; determination ( of an amount ) ; of the firm opinion ; to believe firmly ; to set one's mind on ; to identify with

JMdict 200217
Word 殺気
Reading さっき
Translation dut moordlust ; bloeddorst ; koude ; kou ; kilte ; stikstof {arch . Jap .} Translation spa sed de sangre
Translation eng thirst for blood ; bloodlust ; determination to kill Translation ger Blutdurst ; Mordlust ; feindliche Atmosphäre ; Frost , der die Vegetation verdorren lässt Translation fre soif de sang ; sanguinaire Translation rus 1) возбуждение , ярость ; 2) суховей

JMdict 200217
Word 志気
Reading しき
Translation hun véghatározat Translation spa ánimos ; moral ; espíritu Translation swe bestämmande ; bestämning ; utstakning
Translation eng determination ; esprit de corps Translation ger Entschlossenheit ; Wille ; Schwung Translation rus ( кн .) дух ; чувство

JMdict 200217
Word やる気 ; 遣る気
Reading やるき
Translation dut wil ; zin ; lust ; bereidheid ; bereidwilligheid Translation hun hajlandóság
Translation eng willingness (e.g. to do something ) ; eagerness ; motivation ; inspiration ; determination ; high aspirations Translation ger Motivation ; Wollen ; Wille ; Antrieb

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 判定 Simplified 判定
Pinyin pan4 ding4
English to judge ; to decide ; judgment ; determination

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 意志 Simplified 意志
Pinyin yi4 zhi4
English will ; willpower ; determination

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 指界 Simplified 指界
Pinyin zhi3 jie4
English determination of cadastral parcel boundaries

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 核定 Simplified 核定
Pinyin he2 ding4
English to audit and determine ; to check and ratify ; to appraise and decide ; determination ; on a deemed basis ( taxation ) ; to deem

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 檢定 Simplified 检定
Pinyin jian3 ding4
English a test ; determination ; to check up on ; to examine ; to assay

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 決心 Simplified 决心
Pinyin jue2 xin1
English determination ; resolution ; determined ; firm and resolute ; to make up one's mind

CC-CEDict 200217
Traditional 認定 Simplified 认定
Pinyin ren4 ding4
English to maintain ( that sth is true ) ; to determine (a fact ) ; determination ( of an amount ) ; of the firm opinion ; to believe firmly ; to set one's mind on ; to identify with

JMdict 100319
Word 限定詞
Reading げんていし
Translation eng determiner ; qualifier ; determinative Translation ger {Gramm .} Artikel ; Zahlwörter ; Personalpronomina

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