Unicode 5.2
Character 𡐘
Viet nứt

Unicode 5.2
Character 𦄠
Viet nút

Unicode 12.1
Character 𡐘
Viet nứt

Unicode 12.1
Character 𦄠
Viet nút

JMdict 100319
Reading ナット
Translation eng nut ( as in nut and bolt ) ; natural unit of information content ; nat Translation ger {Mech .} Mutter ; Schraubenmutter

JMdict 100319
Word 果実
Reading かじつ
Translation eng fruit ; nut ; berry Translation ger Frucht ; Obst ; {Rechtsw .} Nutzen Translation fre baie ; fruits ; noix

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 堅果
Reading けんか
Translation eng nut Translation ger {Bot .} Nuss

JMdict 100319
Word ;
Translation eng fruit ; nut ; seed ; ( in broth ) pieces of meat , vegetable , etc . ; content ; substance Translation ger {Bot .} Frucht ; Beere ; Nuss ; Korn ; Inhalt ; Gehalt ; Substanz ; Ergebnis ; Frucht einer Arbeit ; Suppeneinlage Translation fre contenu ; fruit ; noisette ; noix ; résultat ( économie , finance )

JMdict 100319
Word 木の実 ; 木ノ実
Reading きのみ ; このみ
Translation eng nut ; fruit ; berry Translation ger {Bot .} Nuss ; Frucht ; Beere

JMdict 100319
Reading キチ
Translation eng mania ; enthusiasm ; maniac ; enthusiast ; nut

JMdict 100319
Word 浜菅
Reading はますげ ; ハマスゲ
Translation eng nut grass ( Cyperus rotundus )

JMdict 100319
Reading ナッツアレルギー
Translation eng nut allergy

JMdict 100319

JMdict 100319
Word 触り金
Reading さわりがね
Translation eng nut ( on the head of a shamisen , supporting the second and third strings )
Crossref 上駒

JMdict 100319
Reading ナットオイル
Translation eng nut oil

CEDict 100318
Traditional 堅果 Simplified 坚果
Pinyin jian1 guo3
English nut

CEDict 100318
Traditional 硬殼果 Simplified 硬壳果
Pinyin ying4 ke2 guo3
English nut ; fruit with hard shell

CEDict 100318
Traditional 螺帽 Simplified 螺帽
Pinyin luo2 mao4
English nut ( female component of nut and bolt )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 螺母 Simplified 螺母
Pinyin luo2 mu3
English nut ( female component of nut and bolt )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 螺絲帽 Simplified 螺丝帽
Pinyin luo2 si1 mao4
English nut ( female component of nut and bolt )

CEDict 100318
Traditional 螺絲母 Simplified 螺丝母
Pinyin luo2 si1 mu3
English nut ( female component of nut and bolt )

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 凹槽 Simplified 凹槽
Pinyin ao1 cao2
Deutsch Nut (u.E.) (S) ; Schraubendrehereinsatz (u.E.) (S) ; Stecker (u.E.) (S, Sport ) ; Steckschlüsseleinsatz (u.E.) (S) ; stecken (u.E.) (V)

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 溝槽 Simplified 沟槽
Pinyin gou1 cao2
Deutsch Nut (u.E.) (S) ; geriffelt (u.E.)

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 榫槽 Simplified 榫槽
Pinyin sun3 cao2
Deutsch Nut (u.E.) (S)

HanDeDict 100318
Traditional 楔眼 Simplified 楔眼
Pinyin xie1 yan3
Deutsch Nut (u.E.) (S)

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin ke2 ; qiao4 Reading On カク ; コク ; バイ Reading Kun から ; がら Reading Korean gag Reading Korean
Meaning husk ; nut shell Meaning fr coquille ; enveloppe ( grain ) Meaning es concha ; cáscara ; casco ( buque ) Meaning pt casca ; concha de noz

KanjiDic2 100402
Reading Pinyin ke2 ; qiao4 ; que4 Reading On カク ; コク ; バイ Reading Kun から Reading Korean gag Reading Korean
Meaning husk ; nut shell

JMdict 200217
Reading ナット
Translation dut schroefmoer ; moer Translation hun -mániás ; anyacsavar ; dió ; flúgos ; kókusz ; lüke ; őrült ember ; csavaranya Translation swe nöt
Translation eng nut ( as in nut and bolt ) ; ( edible ) nut ; nat ; natural unit of information Translation ger Mutter ; Schraubenmutter Translation rus (( англ .) nut ) ( тех .) гайка
Crossref ナッツ

JMdict 200217
Word 意義
Reading いぎ
Translation dut betekenis ; zin ; nut Translation hun értelem ; jelentés ; szándék ; fontosság Translation slv mnenje ; pomen Translation spa significado Translation swe mening ; betydelse
Translation eng meaning ; significance Translation ger Bedeutung ; Sinn ; Bedeutsamkeit Translation fre sens ; signification Translation rus смысл , значение ; значительный ; имеющий смысл ( значение ) {~ある} ; бессмысленный ; бесполезный {~のない}

JMdict 200217
Word 果実
Reading かじつ
Translation dut fruit {plantk .} ; vrucht ; vruchten {jur .} Translation hun rajongója vminek Translation slv sadež Translation spa fruto ; fruta
Translation eng fruit ; nut ; berry ; fruits ; profit Translation ger Frucht ; Obst ; Frucht Translation fre baie ; fruits ; noix Translation rus 1) плод{ы} ; фрукт{ы} ; ягоды ; 2) ( юр .) плод , приплод ; урожай ; доход

JMdict 200217
Word 堅果
Reading けんか
Translation dut noot Translation hun -mániás ; anyacsavar ; dió ; flúgos ; kókusz ; lüke ; őrült ember Translation spa nuez Translation swe nöt
Translation eng nut Translation ger Nuss Translation rus орех

JMdict 200217
Word 雌ねじ ; 雌螺子 ; 女ねじ ; 雌捻子
Reading めねじ
Translation hun anyacsavar ; csavaranya ; belső menet
Translation eng female screw ; nut Translation ger Schraubenmutter ; Mutter Translation rus гайка
Crossref 雄ねじ・おねじ

JMdict 200217
Word 木の実 ; 木のみ
Reading このみ ; きのみ
Translation dut boomvrucht ; vrucht ; boomfruit ; fruit ; noot ; bes Translation hun rajongója vminek Translation spa fruto ; baya
Translation eng fruit of a tree ; nut ; berry Translation ger Nuss ; Frucht ; Beere Translation rus плод , фрукт , орех

JMdict 200217
Word 有用性
Reading ゆうようせい
Translation dut bruikbaarheid ; nuttigheid ; nut ; utiliteit Translation hun hasznavehetőség Translation swe användbarhet
Translation eng usefulness Translation ger Gebrauchstauglichkeit ; Nützlichkeit ; Tauglichkeit ; Zweckmäßigkeit ; Brauchbarkeit

Records 1 - 50 of 119 retrieved in 1109 ms